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Updated: August 19, 2024

He started up with a wild cry; she caught him in her arms; they clung and kissed and cried together. "Mother! mother!" "My child! my darling child!" were the only words that could be heard in that smothering embrace. Mr. Egglestone turned, and took the hand of her companion, who had entered with her, and led her to the cot where lay the still figure and placid, sculptured face. O woman, be strong!

There was uneasiness, there was cursing, probably; there were certainly remarks not complimentary. Prompt, decisive action was the obvious and only course... while I sat quietly in the Headquarters Bungalow, a sensitive youth again, a dreamer, a poet, hungry for the inspiration of Beauty that the gorgeous tropical night concealed with her excess of smothering abundance.

That same night she sat by her wood fire in her chamber, her old black mammy Mammy Henny bending close, combing out her marvellous hair. She had been studying the coals, watching the little castles pile and fall; the quick smothering of slowly fading sparks under a blanket of gray ashes, and the wavering, flickering light that died on the curling smoke.

But scarcely had O'Connor gone when it began to change, and in spite of his determination to keep hold of his nerve Kent felt creeping up with that change a thing that was oppressive and smothering. Swiftly the distant billowings of the forests were changing their tones and colors under the darkening approach of storm. The laughter of the hills and ridges went out.

She, or that strange something, escaped the fear and smothering closeness of the little house. It was free and happy out there with Gaston in the night. He was strong stronger than anybody in St. Angé. Nothing could really happen while he was near. She saw his smile; felt his compelling touch no, not even Jude would dare hurt her, or go too far. Gaston passed into the dim thicket.

Since he had begun to suspect that he was not alone, his heart had continued to beat with smothering violence, and an intolerable desire for action of any sort had possessed itself of his spirit. He was in deadly peril, he believed. What could be more natural than to mount the staircase, lift the curtain, and confront his difficulty at once?

"Durant's house has tumbled down and his wife and family are smothering in the cellar. Quick!" There was a general rush in that direction, but I pushed on towards the bridge. It was evident my carts could not cross, but there was just a hope that they would let George and me through with our bicycles.

For the time being discouragement settled upon him; it settled suddenly like some heavy smothering thing; it robbed him of hope and redoubled his hunger. He awoke at daylight, roused by the sense of his defeat, then tiptoed out while yet the landlady was abed, and spent the day looking for work along the water-front.

"Well, my pretty!" exclaimed a big leering Cossack, chucking the trembling girl beneath the chin. "Hold!" I commanded the half-dozen men who now stood before us, their swords red with the life-blood of the Revolution. But before I could utter further word the poor girl was wrenched from my grasp, and the Cossack was smothering her face with his hot, nauseous kisses. "Hold, I tell you!" I shouted.

What am I that you should take me to be your wife! You must go away and forget " Her drew her head to his breast, smothering the heartbroken cry by the fierceness of his embrace. "Open your eyes, Christine! Look at me." She looked up, utter desolation in her eyes. "Nothing on earth can keep you from being my wife nothing! I couldn't give you up.

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