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Little wonder that the colored man, having roused the giant's rage to such a pitch, had given small consideration to the order of his going, but had gone at once! "You want to scare Rad out of half a year's growth?" Tom pursued sternly, slipping out of bed and reaching for his robe and slippers. "And he's broken that window to smithereens." "Koku come make report, Master," said the giant.

The horse went down with a smash, shafts, lamp, everything broken to smithereens, as they say. The policeman jumps off the box with the cabby to see what is the matter. One of the bobbies the policemen I would say it's a technical term, Mr. Juxon gets out of the cab to see what's up, leaving Goddard in charge of the other.

'I brought my bag in case of accidents. 'And we'll telegraph to Adeline to join us tomorrow, said Mr. Mohun, who seemed to have been seized with a hunger for the sight of his kindred. 'Telegraph! My dear Maurice, Ada's nerves would be torn to smithereens by a telegram without me to open it for her.

"Ah, so he is," said my own medical man, as the ladies rushed to my side. "Now, Mr. Griggs, do you feel any pain in the " "Oh, Griggs!" cried Hawkins, staggering toward me. "Have you come back to life? Say, Griggs, just think of it! My workshop's blown to smithereens! Every single note I ever made has been destroyed! Isn't it aw " In joyful chorus, my wife, Mrs. Hawkins and I said: "Thank Heaven!"

I will be with you tomorrow night for the answer. "And so I came back, and I lost ten minutes looking about for the boat, for it was so mighty dark that I could not see a fut. I kicked against it and very near fell over it. It's well I didn't, for I should have knocked it into smithereens, entirely!" "Capital, Larry! you couldn't have done better. Now I shall feel comfortable."

"Dynamite," replied Josie calmly. "Then it was not an accident?" "They don't use dynamite in making airplanes. Twenty-two machines, all complete and packed ready for shipment, were blown to smithereens. A good many others, in course of construction, were ruined. It's a pretty bad mess, I can tell you, but the machines can be replaced, and the lives can't."

It went right over and flew to pieces, all to smithereens.... "It hurt your nose to see it hit the ground.... "Somehow I was sort of overcome by the thought of the men in that dive. I was trying to imagine how they felt it. From the moment when they realised they were going. "What on earth must it have seemed like at last? "They fell seven thousand feet, the men say; some say nine thousand feet.

Foreign nations are trying to steal Uncle Sam's secrets. If this country gets a big cannon, some other nation will want a bigger one. It's a constant warfare. I'm going to devote my talents such as they are to Uncle Sam. I'm going to make the biggest cannon in the world the one that will shoot the farthest and knock into smithereens all the other big guns. That's the only way to protect the canal.

Up there! How far was it to "up there"? How far had I fallen? All about me was so terribly still and shut away. I could believe myself at the very centre of the earth, and it seemed ages ago, æons of time, since I had last seen the "King." What time was it? I felt for my watch. I found but the wreck of it. It was the only thing that had suffered. It was smashed to smithereens.

They would spend two or three weeks digging and fixing up a nice trench and then along would come the bombers and blow it all to smithereens no wonder the boys were sore at us; but then, they were getting practice, and we were only doing what "Fritzie" would do for them later on.