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"They look as if they'd had hard times," said Ben Boltrope, who was one of those who could now have a look at the boat, "and some of them seem to have lost the number of their mess." "And a durned good job, too!" exclaimed Mr Lathrope; "the mean skunks, to scoot away and leave a lot of wemmen and children to drown, as they thought. They've well arned any troubles they've come by, I guess!"

"Here Jake stopped a moment, presumably to reflect on the waywardness of Miss Dory and Mandy Ann caring for two skunks, one the Colonel and one Ted, whose last name I did not know till I asked Jake, who replied, 'Hamilton a right smart name, I'm told, an' 'long'd to de quality. Ole man Hamilton come from de norf somewhar, an' bought Ted's mother, a likely mulatto. Who his fader was I doan know.

"'Twon't do for both of us to git killed an' leave no one to take the word to Lewis." "But why run any risk?" I anxiously demanded; for I feared he had some mad prank in mind which would betray our presence and perhaps stop our warning to the army. "We must l'arn somethin' as to how many o' the red skunks there be," he replied. "To venture near their camp will mean discovery.

"Of all the gents that I ever seen," said Sinclair softly, "I ain't never seen none that made me want to tangle with 'em so powerful bad. And of all the poisoned fatheads, all the mean, sneakin' advantage-takin' skunks that ever I run up again', this gent Cartwright is the worst. If his hide was worth a million an inch, I would have it.

Bela's first-hand observations of the great white race had been limited to half a score of individuals priests, policemen, and traders. The row in Charley's teepee had started early that morning. Charley, bringing in a couple of skunks from his traps, had ordered Bela to skin them and stretch the pelts.

"It's simply a dirty filch. There just ARE skunks like him too big to handle." "You're being paid liberally," offered Samuel. "Shut up!" roared McIntyre suddenly. "I want the privilege of talking." He walked to the door and looked out across the land, the sunny, steaming pasturage that began almost at his feet and ended with the gray-green of the distant mountains.

Yancy forbore to interrupt this enterprise which he considered of some educational value, since the ground-hog's hole was an old one and he was reasonably certain that a family of skunks had taken possession of it.

The group by the telegraph office seemed excited about something; they laughed no longer and there was considerable noisy argument. Jed's lip twitched. "'The best laid plans of mice and skunks," he quoted, solemnly. "Hm! . . . That Major Grover seems like a good sort of chap." "I think he's awful nice," declared Babbie. Ruth said nothing. October passed and November came.

The young weasels, foxes, skunks, and minks were beginning to run. The ground grew more dangerous each night, so at sundown Mother Partridge called 'K-reet' and flew into a thick, low tree. The little ones followed, except one, an obstinate little fool who persisted in sleeping on the ground as heretofore. It was all right that time, but the next night his brothers were awakened by his cries.

There's just one way to deal with skunks, and that is, don't fool with them." The cowman accepted this as conclusive. But when, a little later, Ashton met Gowan at the supper table he was rendered uneasy by the cold glint in the puncher's gray eyes.