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Updated: August 5, 2024

What was the precise meaning of the Saxon word, which I have here called elderly, I do not know. In the Latin translations it is rendered by seniores, which may perhaps mean simply those who have attained their majority. In 1485 it was enacted, by a statute entitled " Of what credit and estate those jurors must be which shall be impaneled in the Sheriff's Turn."

Had their reading reached so far, they might have deduced it much more fairly from Aristotle and Polybius, who both distinctly name the composition of rex, seniores, et populus; and the latter, as I remember particularly, with the highest approbation.

"Come on, Quatermain seniores priores. We mustn't keep the old lady waiting!" and he politely made way for me to lead the van, for which inwardly I did not bless him. Tap, tap, went old Gagool's stick down the passage, as she trotted along, chuckling hideously; and still overcome by some unaccountable presentiment of evil, I hung back.

Clear Water Bay transformed Cahill's Farewell Ptarmigan Bay A Night under Canvas "No more Collars or Neckties!" Companions in Misfortune Cedar Lake "Lop-sticks" An Indian Village Shashegheesh's Two Wives Buying Potatoes Seniores Priores Excellent Carrots! Frank's Flirtations with the Squaws The Dogs eat Carriere's Toboggan.

'Seniores, indeed, and you thinkin' I wad not tak' your meaning! Faith, I hae wasted my time ower Ruddiman's Ruddiments as well as the best o' them." The Bothy on the Wild of Blairmore was an entrenched camp, for Stair was too good a general not to see to the state of his defences, to his victualling and armament from the beginning.

Ye will be Nicholas Airie's gyte I kenned her when she was dairy lass up at the Folds and mony is the time I warned her but there's nae use harkin' back on the things noo, and when a' is said and dune ye carried me nane so ill, though the deil flee awa' wi' you and your 'Seniores'! I would have you know that the day has been when I was as young I am no sayin' sae bonnie or sae flichertsome as Miss Patsy there but still weel eneuch and young eneuch.

"He shall be more amiable than I am scolding my husband of husbands;" and she leaned toward him, baby and all, for a kiss from his lips. We say at school "Seniores priores" let favor go by seniority; but where babies adorn the scene, it is "juniores priores" with that sex to which the very young are confided.

If the reverend brother had let me know where to find his other testimonies of Origen and Chrysostom, peradventure I had given him as good an account of them. Tertullian’s words which he citeth, Praesident probati seniores, I know very well where to find; and I know also, that if there be a passage in all antiquity against the Erastians, that is one.

"I doubt if you would have objected to the arms about your neck if they had been Patsy's, you and your 'Seniores'!" Miss Aline observed rather tartly as she was borne off. They were soon all safe in a tiny cove, their feet on the pleasant wet sand, and the dark undefined shapes of the crags overhanging them on every side. A moment more and the boat disappeared into the darkness.

The infantry was composed of the classes, variously armed, of which, including equites, there were one hundred and ninety-four centuries, one hundred of whom were of the first rank, heavily armedall men possessing one hundred thousand ases. Each class was divided into senioresmen between forty-five and sixty, and junioresfrom seventeen to forty-five.

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