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"I tell you we're making a mistake, Buck. This fellow's a pure he ain't any hired killer. You can tie to that." "He's the man that pumped a bullet into my arm from ambush. That's enough for me," the cattleman swore. "No use being revengeful, especially if it happens he ain't the man. By his say-so, that's a shotgun he's carrying. Loaded with buckshot, he claims.

Trapes, hands on hips and elbows at the "engage." "If Mr. Geoffrey stirs out this day, he's jest gotter trample over my mangled remains, that's all!" Heeding the glitter in her eye and noting the inexorable jut of her elbows, Ravenslee sat down and went on filling his pipe. "Y' see, bo, I know as it wasn't you as give Bud away, an' the boys'll listen t' my say-so you bet they will.

And even as it stands, I think I know how to handle him. I have already taken steps to that end." "How?" "Please accept my say-so for the time being, Daunt! It isn't a matter to be canvassed between us." "I suppose you learn that sort of reticence in politics, even in the case of a friend, Corson," growled the banker.

Flip Williams was walking Thunderbolt up and down in front of the grandstand, trying to keep the high-spirited stallion quiet until time came to mount; the rider of Say-So was doing the same thing with his entry; Slim Tucker was already sitting on Dash-Away, the trim Wyoming mare standing unruffled near the starting line, while Snow Johnson, like Tucker, already on his mount, was circling Prince John in wide loops behind the others.

"Yes, and a fine fellow Dave Pollard is true as steel," put in Hal Hastings, quietly. "Yet you know what a dreamer he is. Always has his head in the air and his thoughts among the stars. He'd as like as not take a fellow like Truax on the fellow's own say-so, and never think of looking him up." "Oh, we've no reason to think Truax isn't honest enough," contended Jack Benson.

"She wasn't the kind of child a stranger'd be apt to get attached to. I hope you don't think I'd do anything mean? That isn't my style! All is, I'm her father, and a father ought to have some say-so. Now aint that true, Miss Combs?" Jane was thinking. "Would three hundred dollars help you out?" she demanded. "I've got that much. I've been saving it toward Lola's schooling next year."

Yes, and a fine fellow Dave Pollard istrue as steel,” put in Hal Hastings, quietly. “Yet you know what a dreamer he is. Always has his head in the air and his thoughts among the stars. He’d as like as not take a fellow like Truax on the fellow’s own say-so, and never think of looking him up.”

I ain't a-goin' ter abide by the say-so o' no sech skimpy jury ez this hyar. I'll go ter town an' see old Lawyer Gryce 'bout it, fust."

If you ask me, Florence Grace will have to go some now if she gets the best of the deal. She overlooked a bet. We haven't been served with any contest notices yet, and so we ain't obliged to take their say-so. Who's going to stand guard tonight? We've got to stand our regular shifts, if we want to keep ahead of the game. I'm willing to be It.

I don't mean to flatter you, but we've got nothing in this league that can touch you. Come, now! As a personal favor to me!" "All right. I'll do my best." "Good for you! Now we've got to pick up a third-baseman!" Jim hesitated. "Our Academy shortstop is here," he said, slowly. "He can play a mighty good third at a pinch." "If he's willing, we'll take him on your say-so, and snap at the chance."