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See you not," quoth he, "this old knave told me that he had but seven shillings, and here is more by an angel! What an old knave and a false knave have we here!" quoth this Ruffler. "Our Lord have mercy on us, will this world never be better?" and therewith went their way and left the old man in the wood, doing him no more harm.

With this, and realizing that much trouble and possible loss of time must result from Sir Crispin's obstinacy, did they attempt to force a way into the house, and bethinking himself, also, maybe, how well this rascally ruffler stood with Lord Middleton, the ensign determined to withdraw, and to seek elsewhere.

"Never mind, hinny Levitt," said the old woman; "you are a ruffler, and will have a' your ain gate She shanna gang to heaven an hour sooner for me; I carena whether she live or die it's her sister ay, her sister!" "Well, we'll say no more about it; I hear Tom coming in. We'll couch a hogshead,* and so better had you." * Lay ourselves down to sleep.

He showed me how to thread bobbin and needle, how to operate ruffler and tucker, and also how to turn off and on the electric current which operated the machinery. My first attempt to do the latter was productive of a shock to the nerves that could not have been greater if, instead of pressing the harmless little lever under the machine with my knee, I had accidently exploded a bomb.

Hogan was to him a coarse ruffler; an evil man of the sword; such a man as he abhorred and accounted a disgrace to any army particularly to an army launched upon England under the auspices of the Solemn League and Covenant.

But it was not the constable; it was a gentleman recently returned from England, and become in the eyes of the youth of Williamsburgh the glass of fashion and the mould of form. A fourth ruffler desired office, and cared not to offend a prospective Councilor.

You shall be taught to keep that long nose of yours out of matters that concern you not." I laughed. "Loud threats!" I answered jeeringly. "Never fear," he cried, "there is more to follow. To your cost shall you learn it. By God, sir! do you think that I am to suffer a Sicilian adventurer and a broken tavern ruffler to interfere with my designs?" Still I kept my temper. "So!"

Now, deil ane o' them will touch an acquaintance o' Daddie Ratton's; for though I am retired frae public practice, yet they ken I can do a gude or an ill turn yet and deil a gude fellow that has been but a twelvemonth on the lay, be he ruffler or padder, but he knows my gybe* as well as the jark of e'er a queer cuffin * in England and there's rogue's Latin for you." * Pass.

The little King's face lighted with pleasure for an instant, and he slightly inclined his head, and said with grave simplicity "I thank you, my good people." This unexpected result threw the company into convulsions of merriment. When something like quiet was presently come again, the Ruffler said, firmly, but with an accent of good nature "Drop it, boy, 'tis not wise, nor well.

Gonzaga's face fell at that. Then he suddenly stiffened, and put on an expression of haughtiness. "It is my intent to lead this company myself," he loftily informed the ruffler. "Body of God!" gasped Ercole, upon whose mind intruded a grotesque picture of such a company as he would assemble, being led by this mincing carpet-knight.