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Lambing time was at hand, and through home field after home field he rode with his host, now one and now the other dismounting to turn over onto its feet rotund and glorious Shropshire and Ramboullet-Merino ewes so hopelessly the product of man's selection as to be unable to get off, of themselves, from their own broad backs, once they were down with their four legs helplessly sky-aspiring.

His face was also of the rotund shape the features all tolerably regular, with the exception of the nose that, like the nasal organ of his comrade, was nez retrousse the turn-up being infinitely more pronounced. The expression was equally indicative of good-nature and good-fellowship as the apple-like bloom of his cheeks, and the ochreous tinge upon the tip of the nose, sufficiently testified.

But there they stood, Lempriere's face with a great-eyed gravity looming above his rotund figure like a moon above a purple cloud. But huge and loose though the Seigneur's motions seemed, he was as intent as though there were but two beings in the universe, Leicester and himself.

I thought of my wife and the kids, and . . . "His voice broke, and the half-caste, still throat-brushing, drew his eyes. He was puzzled and worried. "'John, he said, turning toward me. "His jovial, rotund voice rang in my ears. But I could not answer. I was swallowing hard at that moment, and besides, I knew my face didn't look just right. "'John, he called again, taking a step nearer.

No one at home but the cook, a rotund, broad- faced woman, with a merry eye, whose very appearance suggested good cooking and hospitality; the Missis and the children had gone up to the river fishing; the Colonel was somewhere about the place; always was away when he was wanted. Guess he'd take us in, mighty fine man the Colonel; and she dispatched a child from a cabin in the rear to hunt him up.

With considerable interest he studied the directors as they came and went. Most of them, like Breede, were men whose wealth the daily press had a habit of estimating in rotund millions. He regarded them knowingly, thinking he could tell them something that might surprise them.

It seemed like desecration to give the hand in which hers had rested to lead any one else to the dance, and when the rotund Duke of Pomerania invited him to a drinking bout at his quarters at the Green Shield he accepted; for without Eva the hall seemed deserted, the light robbed of its brilliancy, and the gay music transformed to a melancholy dirge.

Other glorious brood-sows, of Berkshire, Duroc-Jersey, and O. I. C. blood, they saw till they were wearied, and new-born kids and lambs, and rotund does and ewes. From center to center, Paula kept the telephones warning ahead of the party's coming, so that Mr.

"I told you yesterday you could say Laura, and ... and you're more like a spider than ever." "Spider" was another nickname for Pin, owed to her rotund little body and mere sticks of legs she was "all belly" as Sarah put it and the mere mention of it made Pin fly; for she was very touchy about her legs.

She gave him some shrewd advice, which encouraged him. He rather fancied himself as a Lothario. He was secretly distressed about his rotund waist line and, theoretically, never ate a bite of lunch. "I never touch a morsel from breakfast until dinner time."