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Vous avez vu le resultat de nos elections, qui ont ete plus heureuses pour la cause generale du parti conservateur que pour ce qui me regarde particulierement.

I have had a letter from Warner; he has seen the Baron, who was charged, I find, with a commission to you. . . . I shall write to you from Lyons; but when I shall hear from you the Lord knows, and I want to hear how the children do. Ma patience et ma perseverance sont inepuisables sur ce qui regarde Mie Mie. Je me croyois tranquillement etabli ici.

When Canaillard performs that Cavalier seul operation, does HE flinch? No: he puts on his most vainqueur look, he sticks his thumbs into the armholes of his waistcoat, and advances, retreats, pirouettes, and otherwise gambadoes, as though to say, "Regarde moi, O monde! Venez, O femmes, venez voir danser Canaillard!"

However, I only said "Cela ne me regarde pas: je ne m'en soucie pas;" and presently added "May I go, Monsieur? "What of that? You are not hungry?" "Indeed I was," I said; "I had had nothing since breakfast, at seven, and should have nothing till dinner, at five, if I missed this bell." "Well, he was in the same plight, but I might share with him."

You seem, he went on more pleasantly, as Celestine grew calmer under his authoritative eye, 'to be even more glad than other people that Mr Manderson is out of the way. I could almost suspect, Celestine, that Mr Manderson did not take as much notice of you as you thought necessary and right. 'A peine s'il m'avait regarde! Celestine answered simply. 'Ca, c'est un comble! observed Trent.

On the threshold stood the excited figure of a telegraphic messenger, holding in his hand a dépêche which he did not trouble to deliver. Instead he burst out at once in a harsh, strained voice: "Monsieur! Monsieur! On n'a pas su on n'a pas regardé dehors l

In our coming home Sir G. Carteret told me how in most cabaretts in France they have writ upon the walls in fair letters to be read, "Dieu te regarde," as a good lesson to be in every man's mind, and have also, as in Holland, their poor's box; in both which places at the making all contracts and bargains they give so much, which they call God's penny. 24th.

I made them answere that this enterprise was not rashly to be attempted: But that wee ought to haue good regarde vnto the consequence that might insue thereof. And which was worse, fearing to be forced by vs and seeing that they had gotten all from vs, they came no neere to our Fort then the shot of an Harquebuze.

Pourquoi se mele t'il de ce qui ne le regarde pas." Le Pretre de Nemi. The Devil, according to Dr. Johnson and other authorities, was the first Whig.

"Let me tell him what he looks in the eyes of a pure-minded American." "Leave that to me," said I, thrusting Pinkerton clear through the door. "Qu'est-ce qu'il a?" inquired the student. "Monsieur se sent mal au coeur d'avoir trop regardé votre croûte," said I, and made my escape, scarce with dignity, at Pinkerton's heels. "What did you say to him?" he asked.