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Updated: August 26, 2024

To have seen her here you would have thought it impossible the same creature could ever have been recover'd to what was as easy to her, the gay, the lively, and the desirable. Nor was her humour limited to her sex; for, while her shape permitted, she was a more adroit pretty fellow than is usually seen upon the stage.

True philosophy but there is no treating the subject whilst my uncle is whistling Lillabullero. Let us go into the house. You shall see the very place, Madam; said my uncle Toby. Mrs. Wadman blush'd look'd towards the door turn'd pale blush'd slightly again recover'd her natural colour blush'd worse than ever; which, for the sake of the unlearned reader, I translate thus 'L..d! I cannot look at it

The sea had wash'd it off: but the sack they recover'd, and found to hold the choicest of Delia's heirlooms. Within an hour the remaining coffers and the money bags were safe in the vessel's hold. The sun was setting, as Delia and I stood on the beach, beside the boat that was to take her from me.

Neither may we suppose, that they can renew their Poison as oft as they will; for we have had a Person bit by one of these, who never rightly recover'd it, and very hardly escaped with Life; a second Person bit in the same Place by the same Snake, and receiv'd no more Harm, that if bitten with a Rat. They cast their Skins every Year, and commonly abide near the Place where the old Skin lies.

And he thought of the lovely lines of George Herbert: "How fresh, O Lord, how sweet and clean Are Thy returns! Ev'n as the flowers in Spring, To which, besides their own demean, The late-past frosts tributes of pleasure bring; Grief melts away Like snow in May, As if there were no such cold thing. "Who would have thought my shrivell'd heart Could have recover'd greenness?

Young, from on board the Bonetta sloop under his command, "I lately met with two Smuglers, & landing my boats into a Rocky Bay where they were running of Goods, the Weather came on so Violent I had my pinnace Stove so much as to be rendered unservisable. They threw overboard all their Brandy, Tea and Tobacco, of which last wee recover'd about 14 Baggs and put it to the Custom house.

For a while I stood like one thunder-struck, when opening my bosom, I trembling, cry'd out; "At last, Fortune, you have ruin'd every part of me:" for Gito, my better half, lean'd on my breast, as if he had breath'd his last: when our sweating through fear, had a little recover'd our spirits: I fell at Eumolpus feet, and intreated him to have compassion of two dying wretches: that is, to assist us in the means of escaping the impending mischief: "Tho' death," I added, "wou'd be more grateful to us, if the happiness of enjoying you, did not make us envy life."

I am now pretty well recover'd of my leate illness, tho' I have been very much afraid of a relapse, having catch'd a violent cold at the Masquerad ball of Lundi Gras, beeing over perswaded to accompany our worthy friend Mr. Murray to that diversion, where I was greatly astonish'd to find Mr.

The old man heard the noise of his falling footsteps, sounding fainter and fainter in the distance, and then, retreating, dropp'd his own exhausted limbs into the chair from which he had been arous'd so terribly. It was many minutes before his energies recover'd their accustomed tone again. Strangely enough, his wife, unawaken'd by the stranger's ravings, still slumber'd on as profoundly as ever.

"You scoundrel!" cried the young man, his voice thick with passion, "dare to touch the boy again, and I'll thrash you till no sense is left in your body." The sailor, now partially recover'd, made some gestures of a belligerent nature. "Come on, drunken brute!" continued the angry youth; "I wish you would! You've not had half what you deserve!"

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