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When he returned he told me that he had found Reese and offered him a hundred dollars for my gun, but Reese sent me word that he liked the gun, and would not take a hundred dollars for it. Soldiers or sailors who could reach the mines were universally shielded by the miners, so that it was next to useless to attempt their recapture.

He had fancied that he had seen her standing there framed, leaning out, and then Yes, surely he had heard the running of slippered feet along the pavement. He had not waited. He scarcely knew from what he was escaping perhaps from his fate, from which there is ultimately no escape. He seized his respite, however, for the dread of recapture was strong upon him.

They were years over which the sun was already darkened and the moon turned into blood, so that, looking back on them, it was almost impossible to recapture the memory of the light-heartedness with which she had lived through them.

But in supposing thus we were mistaken; the fellow evidently at once hit off our respective characters to a T; he saw that the lugger under jury-masts and bearing other unmistakable signs of having been very recently in action was a prize; no doubt judged the Indiaman to be a recapture; and perhaps believing that, with these two prizes, the schooner would be very short-handed quickly made up his mind that either of the three would be more valuable than the cutter to him.

But the young officer's first words of explanation a guarded account of the pursuit of the Indians and the recapture of the arms, suppressing the killing of Foster and the mail agent brought a change to her brightened face and a wrinkle to her pretty brow. "But Mr. Boyle said nothing of this to me," she said, sitting up. "Where is he?" "Already on his way to the next station on one of our horses!

The net result to the Allies from a material point of view was the recapture of some hundreds of square miles of France, for the most part battered to bits and as desolate and useless as a wilderness; and the capture or destruction of so many thousands of the enemy at a cost altogether out of proportion to their numbers.

He seemed to feel what his effects should be rather than to see them, or else his vision was fleeting and his art was a laborious brooding to recapture the lost impression. In his color he always seems to me to be second-hand, as if the bloom and freshness of his paint had worn off through previous use by other artists.

"To hear a hound upon the moor would not work a hard man like this convict into such a paroxysm of terror that he would risk recapture by screaming wildly for help. By his cries he must have run a long way after he knew the animal was on his track. How did he know?" "A greater mystery to me is why this hound, presuming that all our conjectures are correct " "I presume nothing."

The Alabama was now ready for a fresh cruise, but before taking leave of Blanquilla, there was an act of justice to be done. Accordingly, that afternoon a court-martial was summoned for the trial of George Forrest, the seaman who had originally deserted from the Sumter, and who, on his recapture, had been sentenced to serve out his time, forfeiting all pay, prize-money, &c.

The floor of the cave was wonderfully smooth, the rock feeling as if it had been worn by the constant passage over it of water, and using their bare feet as guides, and feeling with them every step, they backed in as fast as Ramsden approached, being as it were between two dangers, that of recapture, and the hidden perils, whatever they might be, of the cave.