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That night she sent for Nilsson to come to the house; heard from him, word for word, of Quigg's effort to corrupt him; questioned Patsy closely, getting the names of the children who had abused him; then calling Jennie into her bedroom, she locked the door behind them. When they reentered the sitting-room, an hour later, Jennie's lips were quivering. Tom's mouth was firmly set.

But now Zygfried reentered the chapel and, kneeling in front of the coffin, he laid at Rotgier's feet Jurand's bleeding hand; that last joy which startled him was only for a moment and quickly disappeared, for the last time, from his face. "You see," he said, "I have done more than we agreed to do. For King John of Luxemburg, although he was blind, kept on fighting and perished gloriously.

Lovegrove reentered the sun-faded drawing-room his wife greeted him in these words: "Well, I have been thinking it all over, Georgie, and we shall only be doing our duty by Mr. Iglesias if we send for your cousin Serena. For my part, I don't trust Mrs. Porcher. Did you see that fly-away blue bow? Those who seem so soft are often the deepest.

Then he reentered his hansom, and went along to the office of a stockbroker, called Polglaze, who was a member of 'The Bachelors', and in whose hands Vandeloup intended to place his business.

Raskolnikoff, who until then had been riveted to the landing with fright, was at length able to shake off his torpor, and hastily reentered the apartment, closing the door behind him. Then he bolted it, being careful to make as little noise as possible. Instinct rather than reason prompted him to do this. When he had finished, he remained close to the door, listening, scarcely daring to breathe.

Wetherford turned a wild eye on the ranger as he reentered. "Who's out there?" he asked. "Is it the marshal?" "No, it's only one of the ranchers from below; he's tired and hungry, and I'm going to feed him," Ross replied, filled with a vivid sense of the diverse characters of the two men he was serving.

And above that altar, in Iglesias' imagination, hung the picture of a woman, beautiful, and, to him, infinitely sad. He turned eastward again and made his way into Holland Street. He rarely had the courage to go back there. He had never reentered the house. But this evening he was taken by the desire to look on it all once again.

The sheriff reëntered the house, and put on his coat and hat. He then took down a double-barreled shotgun and loaded it with buckshot. Filling the chambers of a revolver with fresh cartridges, he slipped it into the pocket of the sack-coat which he wore. A comely young woman in a calico dress watched these proceedings with anxious surprise. "Where are you going, father?" she asked.

And, as luck would have it, the object of his grievance, having forgotten something, at that moment unexpectedly reentered the office to retrieve it. "Hello, Mr. Tutt!" he exclaimed. "Not gone yet!" His senior partner glanced at him sharply, while Miss Wiggin hastily sidestepped into the corridor. "Look here, Tutt!" said Mr. Tutt.

He paused as the clerk retired with a wondering gaze at the money, looked again at Clarence, said, "I think YOU'LL do," and reentered the private office, closing the door behind him.