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The officer reëntered, with him a young man, his face in part concealed by a thick beard and a peaked cap drawn low upon his forehead. The stranger came boldly across to Themistocles, spoke a few words, whereat the admiral instantly bade the officer to quit the cabin. The stranger drew back the shaggy cap. Simonides and Themistocles saw a young, well-formed man.

Trenck is no traitor no traitor to his country I fear only a traitor to his own happiness. Well, perhaps he has come to his reason, I have warned him repeatedly, and perhaps he has at length understood me. Where is the letter?" he asked, as Colonel Jaschinsky reentered. "Sire, here it is. At least I think that is it.

At that moment the attendant reëntered the room, and delivered a message to the judge advocate, who rose and announced that the next witness called to the stand was Major Robert Goddard. All eyes were turned to the entrance as the folding doors opened and Goddard stepped into the room, leaning on his attendant's arm. Wasted by his illness, Goddard's uniform hung loosely on him.

Reine had turned pale; her dark eyes glistened with tears. "Let us go," murmured she to Julien; "this death of a tree affects me as if it were that of a Christian." They took leave of the woodsmen, and reentered the forest.

Raskolnikoff, who until then had been riveted to the landing with fright, was at length able to shake off his torpor, and hastily reentered the apartment, closing the door behind him. Then he bolted it, being careful to make as little noise as possible. Instinct rather than reason prompted him to do this. When he had finished, he remained close to the door, listening, scarcely daring to breathe.

Then to their great astonishment he left his moss-grown kennel for a moment, and, since his leash had become undone, tied himself fast again using his mouth as aid. He reëntered his den of wood, and said: "Here each one takes his pleasure where he finds it." And, in fact, Rabbit and his companions saw dogs in quest of imaginary travelers who had lost their way.

Rylands was neither satirical nor philosophical, and presently, when Jane reentered, with color in her alkaline face, and light in her huckleberry eyes, and said she was going over to the cattle-sheds in the "far pasture," to see if the hired man didn't know of some horse that could be got for the stranger, Mrs.

Cæsar was directed by the senate to disband his army by a fixed day, on pain of being considered a public enemy. Pompey sided with the senate. This meant civil war. Antony and Cassius fled to the camp of Cæsar, who was enthusiastically supported by his soldiers and "crossed the Rubicon." Having become master of all Italy in three months without a battle, Cæsar reëntered Rome.

He dismounted in haste, and stooping down, with the rein thrown over one arm, picked up an object lying in the middle of the road under the horse's very hoofs. It was on a Tuesday morning that Lynde reentered Rivermouth, after an absence of just eight days.

He was about to speak when he made up his mind not to disturb the other. So certain was he that Father Roland was asleep that he drew away from the door on the tips of his toes and reëntered the coach. He did not stop in the first or second car, though there were plenty of empty seats and people were rousing themselves into more cheerful activity.