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"Cockie is a very good Cockie," said Lord Milford, "and Caravan is a very good horse; and if any gentleman sportsman present wishes to give seven to two, I will take him to any amount." "My book is made up," said Egremont; "and I stand or fall by Caravan." "And I." "And I." "And I." "Well, mark my words," said a fourth, rather solemnly, "Rat-trap wins."

At midnight I began to study; and at three o'clock in the morning I went away to bed, carrying with me the words and business of the part and a pretty bad headache. We rehearsed at eleven; and I was 'letter-perfect, as actors say, and was always to be found on the very nail of the stage on which I was wanted. I have always boasted a verbal memory like a steel rat-trap.

Every time a woman does anything original or remarkable, inventing a rat-trap, let us say, or carving thirty-six heads on a walnut-shell, all observers shout applause. "There's a woman for you, indeed! Instead of talking about her rights, she takes them. That's the way to do it. What a lesson to these declaimers upon the platform!"

She had fallen on the long easy chair, and, covering her face at the spot where I had struck her, she looked at me. Her features exhibited fear and hatred toward me, her enemy, such as the rat exhibits when one lifts the rat-trap. At least, I saw nothing in her but that fear and hatred, the fear and hatred which love for another had provoked.

I held the towel for Archie, and a spectacled girl with a mouth like a rat-trap, who was something to do with the Woman's Movement, saw fair play for Eunice. And then they went off to Scotland for their honeymoon. I wondered how the Doughnuts were going to get on in old Archie's absence, but it seemed that he had buckled down to it and turned out three months' supply in advance.

"On the whole, it's your wisest course. The less he knows you mind their devotion to him " "Mind it!" She gave him the flash of which the soft black eyes were brilliantly capable. "Dick, I have no gift I like so well as that rat-trap. You don't know the story, but I do, and it means to me fidelity to duty. And if there's one great big thing in the world I think it's that!"

The craft approached us, I jumped into it, then through a little trap-door shaped like a rat-trap that one of the scullers throws open for me, I slipped in and stretched myself at full length on a mat in what is called the "cabin" of a sampan. There was just room enough for my body to lie in this floating coffin, which is moreover scrupulously clean, white with the whiteness of new deal boards.

"And then she told her to get a great punkin, and it turned into a gold hack, and she went off into the back shed and got the rat-trap, and it turned into two footmens, and the king's son O, no "

"There's your grandfather now," said Lucy. "Isn't it?" George's frown was not relaxed. "Yes, it is; and he ought to give that rat-trap away and sell those old horses. They're a disgrace, all shaggy not even clipped. I suppose he doesn't notice it people get awful funny when they get old; they seem to lose their self-respect, sort of." "He seemed a real Brummell to me," she said.

"I don't assert that it was; but with the bolt on Gertrude's door, the cat in the kitchen, and the rat-trap on the garret stairs, I am strongly inclined to anticipate a peaceful night. I will watch for a while, however, and you can go to sleep." She went to sleep, and I watched. I lay till half past eleven with my eyes staring at the dark, wide awake and undisturbed and triumphant.