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Butler compounded "potter than ever a woman in Scotland," for, in all innocent matters, she studied the taste of every one around her, he said to Butler, "Py the py, minister, I have a letter here either for your canny pody of a wife or you, which I got when I was last at Glasco; the postage comes to fourpence, which you may either pay me forthwith, or give me tooble or quits in a hit at packcammon."

"O, Cot tam! this is too cruel, my leddy as if it was not py special express from his Grace's honourable agent and commissioner at Edinburgh, with a warrant conform, that I was to seek for and apprehend Donacha dhu na Dunaigh, and pring him pefore myself and Sir George Staunton, that he may have his deserts, that is to say, the gallows, whilk he has doubtless deserved, py peing the means of frightening your leddyship, as weel as for something of less importance."

Jack and Jimmie were not inclined to favor the scheme, but they assisted in launching the boat and stood with half-frightened faces while Ned and Frank stepped into her. Just as they were pushing off, Hans made his appearance on the little platform, his china-blue eyes filled with excitement. "Mine friendts," he said, "vot iss if I goes py the poat?" "No more room," said Frank.

"For now, Barry, I haf to say take this schooner to Surabaya. It iss at the orders ouf dot navy mans. Hendrik has to rejoin his ship, unt it will take a week or so to clean oop all dose leedle things left py dose opium runners, I come mit you, too, unt if you are short ouf a mate, I can stand a watch yet. Now schall we start? Hendrik joins his ship outside."

That's straight. I seen you at Chicago all right." "Maybe you did," said the Virginian. "Sometimes I'm mighty careless what I look at." "Well, py damn!" now exclaimed the Dutch drummer, hilariously. "I am ploom disappointed. I vas hoping to sell him somedings myself." "Not the same here," stated the American. "He's too healthy for me. I gave him up on sight."

Schwartzmeister put in a pool table. Of course there was no outburst. When the two met on the street, Mr. Dooley saluted his neighbor cordially, in these terms: "Good-nobben, Hair Schwartzmeister, an' vas magst too yet, me brave bucko!" To which Mr. Schwartzmeister invariably retorted: "Py chapers, Tooley, where you haf been all der time, py chapers?" But this was mere etiquette.

"I vork und vork mine head off keeping you fellers filled oop tree times a day alreatty; I not vork und vork to feed you effery hour, py cosh. You go mitout till supper iss reaty for you yet." Big Medicine, his frog-like eyes standing out from his sun-reddened face, stared agape. "Well, by cripes!"

Yuh sure missed it, Chip. You ought " "By cripes, if that Dutch " "Break away there, Irish!" shouted Chip, dismounting hurriedly. "Has it got so you must fight an old man like that?" "Py cosh, I'll fight mit him alreatty! I'll fight mit any mans vat shpoils mine bread.

"I haf got some musics py mine drunk in too," said Hans. "What have you got, Hansy?" asked Sam "a tin whistle?" "No, a music pox vot mine fadder brought from Chermany. He vos a fine pox, too, I can told you." "That's splendid, Hans," said Dora. "I love a good music box." So the talk ran on until there was a knock at the door and Aleck appeared.

Pull off your boots," said he, "and if you open your fool head to any living soul until I give you leave, py Gott I'll gill you!" It was Schreiber's way, like Marryatt's famous Boatswain, to begin his admonitions in exact English, and then, as wrath overcame him, to lapse into dialect.