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I ventured to look forward to spring as the period of publication: my health gave way; I passed such a winter as, having been once experienced, will never be forgotten. The spring proved little better than a protraction of trial.

It is time that this war had ceased. There must be a limit to all wars, and if the parent state after an eight years' struggle has failed to reduce to submission a portion of its subjects standing out in revolt against it, and who have not only proclaimed themselves to be independent, but have been recognized as such by other powers, she ought not to expect that other nations will quietly look on, to their obvious injury, upon a protraction of hostilities.

Protraction of the siege of Ostend Spanish invasion of Ireland Prince Maurice again on the march Siege of Grave State of the archduke's army Formidable mutiny State of Europe Portuguese expedition to Java Foundation there of the first Batavian trading settlement Exploits of Jacob Heemskerk Capture of a Lisbon carrack Progress of Dutch commerce Oriental and Germanic republics Commercial embassy from the King of Atsgen in Sumatra to the Netherlands Surrender of Grave Privateer work of Frederic Spinola Destruction of Spinola's fleet by English and Dutch cruisers Continuation of the siege of Ostend Fearful hurricane and its effects The attack Capture of external forts Encounter between Spinola and a Dutch squadron Execution of prisoners by the archduke Philip Fleming and his diary Continuation of operations before Ostend Spanish veterans still mutinous Their capital besieged by Van den Berg Maurice marches to their relief Convention between the prince and the mutineers Great commercial progress of the Dutch Opposition to international commerce Organization of the Universal East India Company.

It was in this year that my uncle began to break in upon the daily regularity of a clean shirt, to dismiss his barber unshaven, and to allow his surgeon scarce time sufficient to dress his wound, concerning himself so little about it, as not to ask him once in seven times dressing, how it went on: when, lo! all of a sudden, for the change was quick as lightning, he began to sigh heavily for his recovery, complained to my father, grew impatient with the surgeon: and one morning, as he heard his foot coming up stairs, he shut up his books, and thrust aside his instruments, in order to expostulate with him upon the protraction of the cure, which, he told him, might surely have been accomplished at least by that time: He dwelt long upon the miseries he had undergone, and the sorrows of his four years melancholy imprisonment; adding, that had it not been for the kind looks and fraternal chearings of the best of brothers, he had long since sunk under his misfortunes.

Old man Hemmings is a confirmed old bachelor. He's too mean to support more than one." "And you didn't happen to know any o' that gang, did ye?" continued Bill, with infinite protraction. "Yes. Knew 'em all. There was French Pete, Cherokee Bob, Kanaka Joe, One-eyed Stillson, Softy Brown, Spanish Jack, and two or three Greasers." "And ye didn't know a man by the name of Charley Byng?"

Now it will not satisfy a strict inquirer to be told that the seeds of the rye were latent in the ground and only superseded the dead product of the oats; for if any such fact were in the case, why should the usurping grain be always rye? The case of the oats is the more valuable, as bearing upon the suggestion as to a protraction of the gestation at a particular part of its course.

Mary reflected on it. She didn't like it. And she began to see other things she didn't like in this protraction of the period of singleness. Her work for the Bureau of Labor had taken her into many places, among all sorts of women. She began to observe the irregular living which is inevitably associated with a system of late marriages. Mr.

In the latter end of the third year my Uncle began to break in upon daily regularity of a clean shirt, and to allow his surgeon scarce time sufficient to dress his wound, concerning himself so little about it as not to ask him once in seven times dressing how it went on, when, lo! all of a sudden for the change was as quick as lightning he began to sigh heavily for his recovery, complained to my father, grew impatient with the surgeon; and one morning, as he heard his foot coming upstairs, he shut up his books and thrust aside his instruments, in order to expostulate with him upon the protraction of his cure, which he told him might surely have been accomplished at least by that time.

The war had arrived at a crisis. Hitherto Pompeius had, to all appearance, played the game of war without special plan, and only adjusted his defence according to the exigencies of each attack; and this was not to be censured, for the protraction of the war gave him opportunity of making his recruits capable of fighting, of bringing up his reserves, and of bringing more fully into play the superiority of his fleet in the Adriatic.

Hours of weariness are long not with a mysterious length, but with a mere length of protraction, so that the things called minutes and half-hours by the elderly may be something else to their apparent contemporaries, the children. The ancient moment is not merely one of these it is a space not of long, but of immeasurable, time. It is the moment of going to sleep.