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She could not remember ever to have seen a baby's toes. "I've no doubt they are are excellent toes." The word did not satisfy her, but the suitable adjective was not at hand. "Mercy gracious! That's a funny way to talk about toes! Elly Precious's are pink as anything an' six yes'm! I've made consid'able money out of his toes.

I wish we could take back Stefana's tears." "You mean you ain't goin'?" "I ain't goin'," repeated Miss Theodosia, tremulously smiling. "Japan! I wouldn't go to six Japans!" "Then take it off o' our arms, quick! You take off Carruthers', Stefana. I'll undo Elly Precious's. Oh, goody! Oh, mercy gracious, I feel 's if we ought to take hold o' hands an' an' wave!"

"Then I'll be a gran'mother, won't I! I've always wanted to be a gran'mother an' say what I did when I was a child an' how I always minded." A fresh giggle. "'I never had to be told to twice, my dears, I'll say to Elly Precious's children! They'll all be my dears. I'll help bring 'em up.

"I know the one that went to market and the one that stayed at home all five of them I know." "But you don't know Elly Precious's extra little pig!" crowed the reassured Evangeline. "Just us know that one. I made him up. When you have six toes, I mean when Elly Precious has, you have to have six pigs.

Yes," with rising pride at the sight of Miss Theodosia's surprise, "'leven cents, so far. I only charged Lelia Fling a cent for two looks, because Lelia's baby's dead. I've got three cents out o' her; she says five of Elly Precious's remind her of her baby's toes. Isn't it funny you can't make boys pay to look at babies' toes, even when they's such a lot? Only just girls.

"He was goin' past," Evangeline put in, "an' I asked him, if he uster be a doctor, wouldn't he please to be one now an' 'xamine Elly Precious's spots." "Measles," Stefana said briefly and hopelessly. "Shall we send for Mother, or what'll we do? Aunt Sarah isn't knitting." "Aunt Sarah " began poor Miss Theodosia. Would she ever get used to little Flaggs?

"An' Elly Precious's lower teeth are through, and his shoes are buttoned inside, I remember now! We were in such a hurry there wouldn't be another baby buttoned inside." After still further vain hunting, John Bradford sent the three home. "You may find Evangeline there, getting supper!" he said, "but I'll stay here on the chance you don't. I'll investigate every hole on the grounds!

Then once more Evangeline: "But I shall never have any." "Any pigs?" smilingly. "Children. Not any. I've decided I'll rest. They're such a care. But of course I can run in an' undress Stefana's an' Elly Precious's mercy gracious, Elly Precious's!" It required too great a mental effort to visualize them. Elly Precious's children were funny! Evangeline giggled softly.

"Do you suppose you'd dass to cut Elly Precious's hair, Miss Theodosia, while I danced like everything an' made faces? Dutchy, you know, in the back o' his neck he's straggly now. I'd make awful faces " "I wouldn't 'dass, dear," smiled Miss Theodosia. "I never could cut fast enough and you never could dance hard enough we'd hurt him." "Well, she'll look at the front o' him first never mind.

He and the doctor who knows ears. I thought you were so pleased and that you were " "Oh, yes'm, oh, I am! It was just I was thinkin' how lovely Elly Precious's laugh sounds an' Carruthers not ever hearin' it. So far, I mean." Evangeline caught her courage again in both hands. "But he'll laugh 'nough more times when he can hear I mean when Carruthers can. Won't it be puffectly elegant!"