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Updated: August 16, 2024

For the present the opposition of the army followers was to be ignored, as no one gave them credit for being able to thwart our plans. The Indian agent called the head men of the two tribes together. The powwow was held at the summer encampment of the Cheyennes, and the principal chiefs of the Arapahoes were present. A beef was barbecued at our expense, and a great deal of good tobacco was smoked.

"If they have," gritted Lone, "they made the biggest blunder of their lives bringing me over here. No, I could see they wanted to get off alone and hold a powwow. They expected she'd be at the Quirt." "I think Al Woodruff, he's maybe got her, then," Swan declared, after studying the matter briefly. "All the way he follows the trail over here, Lone. I could see you sometimes in the trail.

"I haven't heard much of it yet," said old Tom. "Perhaps I ought to tell you, Mr. Gaylord," said Austen, smiling a little, "that I didn't come down in any legal capacity. That's only one of Tom's jokes." "Then what in h l did you bring him in here for?" demanded old Tom of his son. "Just for a quiet little powwow," said young Tom, "to make you laugh. He's made you laugh before."

Tom Sawyer called the hogs "ingots," and he called the turnips and stuff "julery," and we would go to the cave and powwow over what we had done, and how many people we had killed and marked. But I couldn't see no profit in it. He said we must slick up our swords and guns, and get ready.

While the other Indians were holding a little powwow over their chief, we were making good time in the other direction, considering that we had over eight hundred loose horses. Fortunately our wagon and saddle horses had gone ahead that morning, but in the run we overtook them.

There was a yell at us, and a jingling of bells to stop the engines, a powwow of cussing, and whistling of steam and as Jim went overboard on one side and I on the other, she come smashing straight through the raft. I dived and I aimed to find the bottom, too, for a thirty-foot wheel had got to go over me, and I wanted it to have plenty of room.

Outside their tent the night was hideous with discordant noises, yells, whoops, cries, mingled with the beating of tom-toms. Terrified and trembling, the two girls sprang to the door, and, lifting the flap, peered out. It was the party of braves returning from the great powwow so rudely interrupted by Cameron.

I am in haste! "'You ask much of me, Ah Moy, after your harsh, ill-timed words of the morning, remarked Quong Lee coldly. "'Forget them, O Munificent; forget them, said Ah Moy, deeply contrite. 'Carried away by excitement, your abject slave considered but lightly what he then so foolishly said, and now so fervently regrets and and let's drop this powwow, Quong Lee. I have no time for it!

Again they rode along in silence, the Superintendent thinking deeply. "I know where he is!" he exclaimed suddenly, pulling up his horse. "I know where he is this blessed minute. He's on the Sun Dance Trail and in the Sun Dance Canyon, and they're having the biggest kind of a powwow." "The Sun Dance!" echoed the Sergeant. "By Jove, if only Sergeant Cameron were on this job!

When he was an apprentice-blacksmith in our village, and I a schoolboy, a couple of young Englishmen came to the town and sojourned a while; and one day they got themselves up in cheap royal finery and did the Richard III swordfight with maniac energy and prodigious powwow, in the presence of the village boys. This blacksmith cub was there, and the histrionic poison entered his bones.

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