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Updated: August 16, 2024

Non equidem hoc studeo bullatis ut mihi nugis Pagina turgescat, dare pondus idonea fumo. PERS., Sat. v. 19. 'Tis not indeed my talent to engage In lofty trifles, or to swell my page With wind and noise. There is no kind of false wit which has been so recommended by the practice of all ages as that which consists in a jingle of words, and is comprehended under the general name of punning.

They commonly begin thus: "How is such a thing done?" Whereas they should say, "Is such a thing done?" Our reason is able to create a hundred other worlds, and to find out the beginnings and contexture; it needs neither matter nor foundation: let it but run on, it builds as well in the air as on the earth, and with inanity as well as with matter: "Dare pondus idonea fumo."

"All!" cried Chicot, as if out of breath, "it is you, miserable monk!" "Say nothing, monseigneur!" murmured the voices, "he takes you for Gorenflot." "Ah! it is you, heavy mass pondus immobile; it is you, indigesta moles!" And at each apostrophe, Chicot, arrived at last at his desired vengeance, let fall the cord with all the weight of his arm on the body before him.

C. Quod in utramque partem in mentem multa veniebant, inasmuch as many considerations both for and against it came into my mind, magnum pondus accessit ad tollendam dubitationem, it came with great force to remove my hesitation. T. What do you mean byaccessit”? C. It means it contributed to turn the scale; accessit, it was an addition to one side.

For surely this is no idle nor fantastic saying. At the touch of a true artist, the plainest face turns comely. As subject-matter the face is no more than suggestive, as ground, merely a loom round which the beatus artifex may spin the threads of any golden fabric: 'Quae nunc nomen habent operosi signa Maronis Pondus iners quondam duraque massa fuit.

"Habet autem ut obedienter audiatur quantacunque granditate dictionis majus pondus vita dicentis." As he has been dead for several years, I need not hesitate to give the name of my dear and honoured friend the Rev. James Black, of Dunnikier.

Penes tamen domitos est totius regni pondus et regimen, quia melius vel minus male quam alii politizant." Bk. i, ch. viii. "Adhuc Scotiae ferme medietas Hibernice loquitur, et a paucis retroactis diebus plures Hibernice loquuti sunt." Bk. i, ch. ix. "Anno 1411, praelium Harlaw apud Scotos famigeratum commissum est.

Aquinas does not deal with money in the Summa, except incidentally, and his references to the subject in the De Regimine Principum which occur in the chapters of that work of which the authorship is disputed simply go to the length of approving Aristotle's opinions on money, and advising the prince to exercise moderation in the exercise of his power of coining sive in mutando sive in diminuendo pondus.

He was a scholar and man of the world, who had a retentive memory, and, says Bayle, 'could say a thousand good things in a thousand pleasing ways. No. 61. Thursday, May 10, 1711. Addison. 'Non equidem studeo, bullalis ut mihi nugis Pagina turgescal, dare pondus idonea fumo. Pers.

No one could mark in speaking the distinction between these; and thus to the ear there maybe confusion between them, but to the eye there is none; not to say that the d in poids' puts it for us in relation with 'pondus, the x in 'poix' with 'pux, the s in 'pois' with the Low Latin 'pisum. In each case the letter which these reformers would dismiss as useless, and worse than useless, keeps the secret of the word.

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