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*Ad maronis mausoleum Ductus, fudit super eum Piae rorem lacrymae. Quem te, intuit, reddidissem, Si te vivum invenissem Poetarum maxime! Having thus spoken, old Hilary wished me the peace of a holy night and went away with Brother Jacinth. I resumed the delightful study of my poet.

Monseigneur de Maronis had guaranteed to this old lady one of the best places in the skies, so that when he saw her die happy, Henri gave her some egotistical tears; he began to weep on his own account.

That Martial considered it a boy's book appropriate for vacation hours between school tasks is apparent from the inscription: Accipe facundi Culicem, studiose, Maronis, Ne nucibus positis, Arma virumque legas. Hist.

Monseigneur de Maronis had guaranteed to this old lady one of the best places in the skies, so that when he saw her die happy, Henri gave her some egotistical tears; he began to weep on his own account.

Then the great man, by name the Abbe de Maronis, completed the education of his pupil by making him study civilization under all its aspects: he nourished him on his experience, led him little into churches, which at that time were closed; introduced him sometimes behind the scenes of theatres, more often into the houses of courtesans; he exhibited human emotions to him one by one; taught him politics in the drawing-rooms, where they simmered at the time, explained to him the machinery of government, and endeavored out of attraction towards a fine nature, deserted, yet rich in promise, virilely to replace a mother: is not the Church the mother of orphans?

For surely this is no idle nor fantastic saying. At the touch of a true artist, the plainest face turns comely. As subject-matter the face is no more than suggestive, as ground, merely a loom round which the beatus artifex may spin the threads of any golden fabric: 'Quae nunc nomen habent operosi signa Maronis Pondus iners quondam duraque massa fuit.

Even so, I should not have ventured on poetry if Virgil had not indicated that he wished it to be done. Inspired, therefore, by his divine influence, I have approached my slender theme." The verses are good, though their poetical merit is somewhat on the level of a university prize poem. They conclude thus: "Hactenus arvorum cultus Silvine docebam Siderei referens vatis praecepta Maronis."

Then the great man, by name the Abbe de Maronis, completed the education of his pupil by making him study civilization under all its aspects: he nourished him on his experience, led him little into churches, which at that time were closed; introduced him sometimes behind the scenes of theatres, more often into the houses of courtesans; he exhibited human emotions to him one by one; taught him politics in the drawing-rooms, where they simmered at the time, explained to him the machinery of government, and endeavored out of attraction towards a fine nature, deserted, yet rich in promise, virilely to replace a mother: is not the Church the mother of orphans?

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