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Colin he was a surprisingly good Christian." Old Brooks, out of sheer custom, sat on the high stool at his desk and hummed his declensions to himself, or the sing-song Arma virumque cano that was almost all his Latin pupils remembered of his classics when they had left school.

Poetry may desert the royal themes of long ago arma virumque cano, maenin aeide thea and relate the lowly life of common folk, even the sordid life of the poor and miserable, but when doing so throws over it the musical glamour of verse and arouses the heat of sympathy and passion.

Opening the silver snuff-box he almost sneezed the wig off before he chirruped: "Ye mind me of Will Shakespeare's whining schoolboy, Master John, creeping like snail unwillingly to school. A treat is in store for us to-day, a signal treat! We begin our Virgil. 'Arma virumque cano." "Arms and a man?

I like Virgil's full sounding sentences, 'Arma virumque cano. There's nothing like them." "Yes, there is," Jean quietly replied, as she rose to her feet, crossed the room, and took down a book from a small shelf on the wall. This she opened as soon as she had taken her seat before the fire, and turned over several pages.

His face would grow more serious as I scanned my Virgil in a faltering voice, and as he descanted on a passage my eye would wander out over the green trees and fields to the glistening water. What cared I for "Arma virumque" at such a time?

He has already published one book 'Anna Virumque' a charmingly clever story of early Babylon." The success of Bob Carmody and James Woodbury Bush, while they confirmed me in my respect for the profession of journalism and in my resolve to enter it, did not shake my purpose to waste no time in desultory skirmishing.

"Do you mean to tell me you don't know your own tongue? Do you not know what the greatest of all the bards wrote about your own island? 'O et præsidium et dulce decus meum, agus, Tityre tu patulæ recubans sub tegmine Styornoway, Arma virumque cano, Macklyoda et Borvabost sub tegmine fagi?"

One of them, though he has since become an energetic man of business on the Pacific Coast, was certainly not helped into his present position by his Latin; for of all the translations I have ever heard or read of, one of his was the worst. Being called to construe the first line of the Aeneid, he proceeded as follows: ``Arma, arms; virumque, and a man; cano, and a dog. There was a roar, and Mr.

"I could not help thinking to myself," said my member, "that at that conference there must have been many men of sufficient classical reading to say to themselves, 'Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes." In which surmise he was quite right. Except perhaps for "Tempus fugit," "verbum sap.," "Arma virumque," and "Quis custodiet," there is no better known relic of antiquity.

There were a great many hard hits given and taken, but always cheerfully, for it was in the cause of our early history. The history of Greece and Rome was stuff compared to this. And we had many boys in our school who could imitate the Indian war whoop enough better than they could scan arma, virumque cano.

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