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They dined alone at the H™tel des Rois, Monsieur Duchanel himself doing them the honor of serving the repast, which Hermia soon discovered had none of the characteristics of the vagabond fare promised her a velvety soup petits pois ˆ la crme, an entrŽe, then poulet r™ti, salade endive, cheese and coffee a meal for the gods, which these mortals partook of with unusual enjoyment.

Nature, by one of its secret processes, had covered the earth with a beautiful short grass; and the French, with their usual attention to the table, and their commendable activity, had already several materials for salads, &c., in full growth. String-beans might be had for asking, and petits pois were literally a drug.

Caille aux petits pois 2 10 Pigeon a la crapaudine 2 10 Chapon au riz, le quart 2 15 Chapon au gros sel, le quart 2 10 Demi-poulet aux Truffes ou aux Huitres 4 0 Fricassee de poulets garnie, la moitie 3 10 Fricassee de poulets, la moitie 3 0 Salade de volaille 3 0 Friteau de poulet, la moitie 3 0 Demi-poulet a la ravigotte ou a la tartare 3 0 Marinade de poulet, la moitie 3 0 Le quart d'un poulet a l'estragon ou a la creme ou aux laitues 1 10 Blanquette de poularde 2 10 1 cuisse de poulet aux petits pois 2 0 1 cuisse de volaille au jambon 2 0 2 cotelettes de poulet 3 0 1 cuisse ou aile de poulet en papillote 1 10 1 cuisse de poulet a la Provencale 1 10 Ragout mele de cretes et de rognons de coqs 3 0 Capilotade de volaille 3 0 Filet de poularde au supreme 3 0 Mayonaise de volaille 3 0 Cuisses de Dindon grillees, sauce robert 3 0 Le quart d'un Canard aux petits pois ou aux navets 1 10 Foie gras en caisses ou en matelote Perdrix aux choux, la moitie Salmi de perdreau au vin de Champagne Pigeons en compote ou aux petits pois 2 10 Bechamel de blanc de volaille 2 10 2 cuisses de poulet en hochepot 1 10 Ailerons de dinde aux navets 1 10 Blanc de volaille aux concombres 3 0

Of the latter he was a good judge, having moved, as he himself explained to his niece many years later, in the best society of Europe, being in fact "what is called in French de la fleur des pois." There was continual friction, but every scene ended in the same way.

So out along the driveways and bridle paths trots Hudson Van Sweller in the uniform of his incapacitated comrade, as like unto him as one French pea is unto a petit pois. It is, of course, jolly larks for Van Sweller, who has wealth and social position enough for him to masquerade safely even as a police commissioner doing his duty, if he wished to do so.

There was he plucking at me: "Monsieur Henri-Richie, Monsieur Henri-Richie! mille complimens... et les potages, Monsieur! a la Camerani, a la tortue, aux petits pois... c'est en vrai artiste que j'ai su tout retarder jusqu'au dernier moment.... Monsieur! cher Monsieur Henri-Richie, je vous en supplie, laissez-la, ces planteurs de choux."

Some one who had received peas as his portion would prefer dessert, and the proposition "Un dessert pour des pois" would pass from mouth to mouth till the bargain had been made.

Kape your heart light an' aisy, Char-les, dear. D'ye moind the turkeys and the pois? Faith, it's meself that has the taste for thim dainties!" "I don't believe I'll be able to eat a mite of the Thanksgiving," says Charley, as we hear Barney squ-ush away; "but just to see the brown on a real old brown home turkey will do me a heap of good."

The Palace of the King was on the outskirts of the town, and was reached by a drive through a Park which the inhabitants had named Pois de Pulugne. It was built upon the top of a hill and had a fine view over the surrounding country. The garden surrounding the Palace had been artistically laid out, a fine lawn stretching away from the main entrance.

"I saw him this evening, talking with a Priest in the Rue Petits Pois; and he calls himself a Protestant." "Ah! You are sure that the man was a priest?" "I know him." "For whom?" "One of the chaplains at the Spanish Embassy." It was natural that after this I should take a more serious view of the matter; and I did so.