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Updated: August 22, 2024

What in the name of hell did you fetch me out for? 'You go to sleep, said Polson, 'and don't ask ridiculous questions. 'I want to know, said De Blacquaire. 'I'll tell you to-morrow, the Sergeant answered. 'But it's no good thinking about things just now. Again there was a silence, and it lasted for a full hour.

More exclamations of astonishment from the listeners, amid which Polson triumphantly concluded his gruesome narrative by adding: "Of course we couldn't do nothin', and so the poor feller were lost. And when Chips and I comed to investigate we found that the unfortunit man were Mr Masterman, he bein' the only one that was missin'!"

I've had a good deal o' trouble to raise that sum in a hurry, but I've done it, and there's to be no action and no scandal of any sort until De Blaequaire comes back again. That gives your Uncle James and me time to turn round. He waited again, and still Polson stood like a statue and made no answer. 'I've done more than that, Jervase went on.

'Did you know that I was near you? 'Did I know! said Polson in a voice that was worth a thousand protestations to her ears. 'I always thought, said Irene, 'that I disliked Major de Blacquaire until a week or two ago; but whilst you were lying there ill and delirious, he behaved so kindly that I shall never forget him.

But there were a few level-headed ones among the party who, while freely acknowledging how tantalising it would be to those left on board to gaze upon the island without being permitted to land upon it, were quite able to recognise the prudence of my suggestion, among them being Polson and the carpenter.

De Blacquaire went stumping along on his crutches in the weak spring sunshine, and Polson and his father, by mere chance, were looking after him when he paused at the corner of the one important monument in the grounds, and raised his forage cap to some person as yet unseen.

I can't say anything fairer than that, and I'll tell the cap'n myself exactly how I came to do it when he comes in." "Pah! tell-tale!" said Susan. "Of course, if you are here to fetch and carry," said Miss Polson, with withering emphasis. "The idea of a grown man telling tales," said Chrissie scornfully. "Baby!"

Through the window Polson could see the glitter of the polished brass of the band, as it moved slowly across the square towards the barrack gate, and formed up in a solid cube. There was a crowd outside in the streets, and from it rose a noise of cheering.

'Of course you'll tell me just as much and just as little as you want to. But before you take a step that you can't retreat from, you'd better think things over. 'No, said Polson, 'I've done all the thinking I have need for, and I've made up my mind. You'll take me, of course? 'Look here, said Volnay, 'you won't like it, and I take the liberty to tell you so.

'Go to your room, said his father, hissing from between clenched teeth. 'Go to your room, sir, and be damned to you. 'I have meant to speak to you, Polson answered, 'since I had time to think this night's work over, and after what I heard just now, I mean it more than ever. He entered the room and his father gave way before him.

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