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"Now I may h've said some things on partickaler pesterin' 'casions in times past, but in general my verdick hohum! is fav'rable to female grass; 'specially hohum! hohum! wal, wal, ye knows my meanin', major 'specially with regards to red and white clover: hohum! how 's Vesty?"

"You-all saw, Miss Sydney, he didn' do hit! He's that hateful, he won' let me alone, always pesterin' roun' here when Bud ain' to home. Ah 'low Ah jus' hate him!" Stricken still with surprise, Sydney sat upon her horse, her face scarlet with distress and stern with disapproval. Pink glanced up at her, and began to sidle off, abashed. He could not forbear, however, throwing back a parting threat.

"Cherokee gives him a stack of blues to start his game, an' is now pesterin' 'round in a co't tryin' to get the young one counter- branded from the Stingin' Lizard's outfit into his, an' given the name of Cherokee Hall. That's what takes him over to Tucson them times, an' not stage-robbin'.

I kind of forgot where I was, I see so complete what I was; but after a while I did pray to live in the flesh; I wanted to make some amends to Russell for pesterin' on him so. It seemed to me as though I'd laid there two days.

Wiggs, taking a hot iron from the stove, "I 've done that, too. I remember onct last winter I was tooken sick, an' I got to pesterin' 'bout what the childern 'ud do if I died. They wasn't no money in the house, an' they didn't know where to git none. All one night I laid there with my head 'most bustin', jes' worryin' 'bout it.

"What's the matter with you?" asked Mrs. Wiggs. "What you lookin' so wilted about?" Lovey Mary dug her shoe into the ground and said nothing. Many a time had she been tempted to pour forth her story to this friendly mentor, but the fear of discovery and her hatred of Kate deterred her. Mrs. Wiggs eyed her keenly. "Pesterin' about somethin'?" she asked. "Yes, 'm," said Lovey Mary, in a low tone.

"Sure thing, boss course I knew somethin' must be pesterin' you like all get-out, so I made up my mind to ask you who that Oswald might be an' what we'd got to do with such a critter." Then Jack laughed as the humorous side of his recent thrill had begun to grip him. "Well, well, seems like I'll soon have to put a padlock on my lips after this when I hit the hay.

"It's Dave Tutt who makes Bowlaigs captive; Dave rounds Bowlaigs up in his infancy one time when he's pesterin' about over in the foothills of the Floridas lookin' for blacktail deer. Dave meets up with Bowlaigs an' the latter's mother who's out, evident, on a scout for grub.

"I was harassed outa bed by this pesterin' friend of mine who left the circus at Cheyenne to come out fer a visit en to view the scenery. I want ye to meet him, en he'p me answer his questions. Folks, meet Mister Davy Lannarck, a circuser, that's curious to see how en whar we live.

"Whoever is them far-off folks you-all was tellin' me is related to Injuns?" "The Japanese." I replied. "Undoubtedly the Indians and the Japanese are of the same stock." "Which I'm foaled like a mule," said the old gentleman, "a complete prey to inborn notions ag'in Injuns. I wouldn't have one pesterin' 'round me more'n I'd eat off en the same plate with a snake.