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I hate the handsome Austrian woman, who perks up her nose, and thinks herself better than my wife; and if the golden time has come of which Marat speaks, when the people are the master, and the king is the servant, Marie Antoinette shall be my waiting-maid, and her son shall be my choreboy, and his buckle shall make acquaintance with my shoe- straps!"

I questioned, lowering my voice in turn as I met his look. "I mean, lad, as this thing call it ghost or what ye will has took three men these last two nights. There's Perks o' Deptford, McLean as hails from Leith, and Treliving the Cornishman three good men, Mart'n lost, vanished, gone! And, O pal, wi' never a mark or trace to tell how!" "Lost! D'ye mean overboard?" "No, Mart'n, I mean lost!

But Lord! all my efforts is wasted on that 'ere rainbow nothing but sniffs!" "Why then who what are you?" "I'm Perks and Condy, wines and sperrits, eighty-five pound, eighteen, three that's me, sir." "Do you mean that you are in possession here?" "Just that, sir, ever since eight o'clock s'morning and nothing but sniffs so fur."

'Ave I ever complained to you of being short, as you comes this charity lay over me?" "OH!" said Phyllis, "I thought you'd be so pleased; I'll never try to be kind to anyone else as long as I live. No, I won't, not never." She burst into tears. "We didn't mean any harm," said Peter. "It ain't what you means so much as what you does," said Perks.

He plumes himself like a bullfinch going to sing. He spreads himself like a peacock on a lawn. He perks himself like a sparrow on a paling. He crows amidst his attorneys and all the satellites of the court like a cock among his hens. He puts his hands this way and that, settling even the sunbeams as they enter, lest a moat should disturb his intellect or dull the edge of his subtlety.

"P'r'aps not," said Perks, cautiously; "still you can't be sure with foreigners. My own belief is they're all tarred with the same brush." "Then why were you on the side of the Japs?" Peter asked. "Well, you see, you must take one side or the other. Same as with Liberals and Conservatives. The great thing is to take your side and then stick to it, whatever happens." A signal sounded.

"That's what I says," said Perks, not turning round. "Look here," said Bobbie, desperately, "we'll go if you like and you needn't be friends with us any more if you don't want, but " "WE shall always be friends with YOU, however nasty you are to us," sniffed Phyllis, wildly. "Be quiet," said Peter, in a fierce aside.

It was got for my Emmie's first, that didn't live but six months, and she never had but that one. I'd like Mrs. Perks to have it. It 'ud be a help to her with that great boy of hers. Will you take it along?" "OH!" said all the children together. When Mrs. Ransome had got out the perambulator and taken off the careful papers that covered it, and dusted it all over, she said: "Well, there it is.

I know there were other considerations in those votes, but I want to use something that I've heard my Republican friends say from time to time: There doesn't have to be a law for everything. So tonight I ask you to just stop taking the lobbyists' perks, just stop. We don't have to wait for legislation to pass to send a strong signal to the American people that things are really changing.

"I give up keeping of my birthday afore you was born." "But you must have been born SOMETIME, you know," said Phyllis, thoughtfully, "even if it was twenty years ago or thirty or sixty or seventy." "Not so long as that, Missie," Perks grinned as he answered. "If you really want to know, it was thirty-two years ago, come the fifteenth of this month." "Then why don't you keep it?" asked Phyllis.