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An' li'l black Mose he tuck one look ober he shoulder an' he shut he eyes so tight dey hurt round de aidges, an' he pick up he foots an' run. Yas, sah, he run right peart fast. An' he say: "Dey ain't no ghosts. Dey ain't no ghosts." An' he run erlong de paff whut lead by de buryin'-ground on de hill, 'ca'se dey ain't no fince eround dat buryin'-ground at all.

And, again, they see Jack steppin' along peart and spry, pleasant and willin', turnin' his head when they come up to him, and lookin' friendly at 'em out of his kind brown eyes, and they'd say, the boys and girls would, "Good Jack! nice old Jack!" and they'd pat him, and give him an apple, or a carrot, or suthin' good. But they didn't give Billy any.

While Caleb remarked; "He's coming along right peart." Mary, with a laugh and blush and an appreciative smile at Mr. Cornwall, added a place for her mother and Susie, while she served the supper. Cornwall, who had paid little attention to the girl, furtively watching her, was impressed by her competence and winsomeness.

His grandfather fell back in his chair, speechless, A moment later, he told Sam he was not only a fool, but a d "Supper's ready, suh," said Simmons. "Glad you're back, Master Sam. He ain't lookin' peart, suh?" Simmons added confidentially to Mr. Wright. "Well, you get some of that Maderia 'l2," commanded the old man, pulling himself up from his chair. "Sam, you are a born idiot, aren't you?

Besides, those who have not been well instructed in the catechism, know nothing about 'rightly dividing the word." "How about that passage," asked Abner, "'All scripture is given by inspiration, and is profitable for for for ?" "Henry kin say it fur you," interrupted Mason Rogers, thinking that the schoolmaster's Biblical knowledge had failed him; "he's mighty peart on quotin' Scriptur."

Hall for his advice in Cynthy's love affair, and now the minister's praises of Mrs. Anderson and condemnation of Cynthy Ann had not put him in any mood to listen to exhortation. "Well, Mr. Harrison," said the young minister solemnly, approaching Jonas much as a dog does a hedgehog, "how do you feel to-day?" "Middlin' peart, I thank you; how's yourself?"

Wipe your shiny eyes an' keep a happy faace to 'em, an' never let wan of the lot dream what's hid in 'e. Cock your li'l nose high, an' be peart an' gay. An' let un buy you what he will, 't is no odds; we can send his rubbish back again arter, when he knaws you'm another man's wife.

Dismissing our hundred after roll-call, he unburdened his mind: "Now you fellers are all so d -d peart on mathematics, and such things, that you want to snap me up on every opportunity, but I guess I've got something this time that'll settle you.

Malemute Kid had caught Belden's eye, and he, scenting the wind, replied evasively, 'A right peart while back. 'Come, my man; speak up, the policeman admonished. 'Yeh seem to want him right smart. Hez he ben gittin' cantankerous down Dawson way?

The Man from Solano carefully shut the box door and retired. I followed him. He was silent until he reached the lobby, and then he said, as if renewing a previous conversation, "She IS a mighty peart gal that's so. She's just my kind, and will make a stavin' good wife."