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She wore a new muslin gown, plaid in purple, white, blue and brown, two puffs around the skirt and on the sleeves at shoulders and wrists, white linen undersleeves and collarette; new blue prunella gaiters with patent-leather heels and tips; her cousin's watch with a gold chain and pencil.

When you are grown up, you wear a print frock because you cannot afford a silk, or because a silk would be out of place, you wear India-rubber overshoes because your polished patent-leather would be ruined by the mud; and your self-denial is amply compensated by the reflection of superior fitness or economy. But a child has no such reflection to console him.

In due time Haddon Brown handed "Mistah Breckenridge" the documentary evidence of his freedom, and immediately on its receipt Hannah rose, donned her most radiant attire, shook out a few farewell peals of laughter, and departed, closely followed by the friend of the family, beautiful in patent-leather shoes, new gray spats, and a tie to match.

It was the lass that had come two or three times to the lodging-house to fit the Baroness's dresses; but she had since then grown to womanhood. She drew near, raising her skirt and her starched petticoats, careful not to soil her patent-leather slippers. "What can she be coming here for?" Manuel asked himself. "Is father in?" she inquired. Senor Custodio came out and embraced her.

His fine perfumed linen, the touch of scarlet at his waist, his extremely high-heeled patent-leather boots under soft uncreased trousers, served only to emphasize his resolute metal they resembled an embroidered and tasseled scabbard that held a keen, thin and dangerous blade. Anna Mantegazza extended her hand in the American fashion, and Gheta smiled from Lavinia saw her best facial angle.

"Most likely," continue I, speaking with quick heat, for something in his manner galls me, "he did not recollect her existence." "Most likely." He is looking down at the white dust which is defiling his patent-leather boots, and smiling slightly. "How do you know what reason have you for thinking that he was aware that there was such a person?" I ask, with injudicious eagerness.

She had constantly had her attention called by the latter to novelties in everything which pertains to a woman's apparel. "Are you going to get such and such a hat?" or, "Have you seen the new gloves with the oval pearl buttons?" were but sample phrases out of a large selection. "The next time you get a pair of shoes, dearie," said Mrs. Vance, "get button, with thick soles and patent-leather tips.

The woman stooped and pulled away the chair. That was what Lupin was waiting for. Once rid of the obstacle, he caught Daubrecq a smart kick on the shin with the tip of his patent-leather boot. The result was the same as with the blow which he had given him on the arm.

His coat was light green, with archery buttons, made very wide at the hips, with which he sported a white waistcoat, bright yellow ochre leather trousers, pink silk stockings, and patent-leather pumps. In his hand he carried a white silk handkerchief, which smelt most powerfully of musk; and a pair of dirty wristbands drew the eye to sundry dashing rings upon his fingers.

"'I am going to Ripon, I said, 'and nothing will please me more than to execute any commission you may entrust to me. This good steed will carry me the six miles and back before it is time to sail. They seldom sail on the time set, I have observed. "She brought me a patent-leather dancing shoe to indicate the desired size, and away I went, secured the shoes, and turned homeward.