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"Now a bear-kill, right then t' go home 'n' lie about, tellin' how they fit with it, would 'a suited our sham hunters better 'n' a whole passle o' antlers; so I busted through th' bush fast as I could, fallin' 'n' rippin' my clothes nigh off only t' find our hounds snappin' 'n' bayin' round a mighty big buck, that when I first sighted him, seemed to be jest standin' still watchin' th' hounds.

I can't accept man's opinion, for man doesn't know any more about it than I do; so I say to myself, 'Gideon Batts, eat, drink and be merry, for the first thing you know they will come along and lay you out where the worm is whetting his appetite. You have raked up quite a passle of negroes, haven't you, colonel?" The priest looked at him, but not resentfully.

Now there ain't a livin' soul that wants the boy, but" "Timothy," said Miss Vilda hurriedly, "run and fetch me a passle of chips, that's a good boy. Land sakes! Aunt Hitty, you needn't tell him to his face that nobody wants him. He's got feelin's like any other child." "He set there so quiet with a book in front of him I clean forgot he was in the room," said Aunt Hitty apologetically. "Land!

"If the General will let me, I'm going to try spy duty and see if I can get into town and out again," he proposed. "You keep out o' that business," said Solomon. "They's too many that know ye over in town. The two Clarkes an' their friends an' Colonel Hare an' his friends, an' Cap. Preston, an' a hull passle. They know all 'bout ye.

Because I knew you'd fly off the handle and get yourself killed, and then your ma'd be left all alone, that's why, now and prob'ly they'd 'a' wound up by dumping the whole passle of us bag and baggage into the stream. And it wa'n't any use, your father bein' dead and gone." The Bishop took up the burden, slapping him cordially on the back. "Come, come, hearten up, now!

Peace, interested in the controversy, had been banished to the dining-room to amuse Rivers, who had developed an unlimited propensity for mischief-making since his arrival at the big house, but through the open door she caught bits of the conversation, and her heart beat quick with fear. "They are trying to passle Fern and Rivers off among different families," she said with bated breath.

'Course they'll kick, an' thar'll be a whole passle o' marshals an' sheriffs out after you, but what o' that? Reckon Old Blue'll carry you out o' range. He's the longest-winded chunk o' horse meat in these parts. Then you'll have to stay out strictly on the scout fer a few weeks, till they gits tired o' huntin' of you, so you can slip out o' this yere neck o' woods 'thout leavin' a trail.

When both rode he had to bear a continual stream of tobacco-scented whisperings poured into his ear. "Mr. March, that crowd wouldn't do me this a-way if they knowed the patri'tisms I feels to 'em. You see, it's they financialities incur the late rise in Clairwateh County scrip. Yass, seh; which I catch the fo'cas' o' they intentions in time to be infested in a good passle of it myseff."

I'm going over and get that passle of half-starved German kids to eat this up." Throwing Gail's faded shawl over her head, she ran across the snowy fields to the old tumble-down house on the next road, where the new family lived.

Timothy was getting his "passle o' chips." Timothy looked pale and languid, Samantha thought, and though Gay waited for a frolic with her most adorable smile, he only lifted her coral necklace to kiss the place where it hung, and tied on her sun-bonnet soberly. Samantha wished that Vilda had been looking out of the window.