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Swinging round on the ball of his right foot, lightly and gracefully as a dancing master, and with no sign of haste or fear in his amazing speed, he let the other's hard-driven blade glance past him, to meet nothing but the empty air. As a result, by the very force of the stroke, Rotherby found himself over-reached and carried beyond his point of aim; while Mr.

Many is the trader that has douzed his spectacles, and shut his account-books, to step aside to over-reach his neighbour, and then come back to find that he has over-reached himself.

Wilfer looked after him with a scowl. "He's a clever devil," he said, as he, too, went on his way. Clever, Mr. Vermont most undoubtedly was. His worst enemies would not have denied him that virtue; but in this case his cleverness had over-reached itself. It had so amused him to torment his victim, that he had never questioned Wilfer's statement that the girl, Jessica, was his niece.

Calandrino's speech concerning his wife had been hearkened of all the company with the utmost laughter; then, Filostrato being silent, Neifile, as the queen willed it, began, "Noble ladies, were it not uneather for men to show forth unto others their wit and their worth than it is for them to exhibit their folly and their vice, many would weary themselves in vain to put a bridle on their tongues; and this hath right well been made manifest to you by the folly of Calandrino, who had no call, in seeking to be made whole of the ailment in which his simplicity caused him believe, to publish the privy diversions of his wife; and this hath brought to my mind somewhat of contrary purport to itself, to wit, a story of how one man's knavery got the better of another's wit, to the grievous hurt and confusion of the over-reached one, the which it pleaseth me to relate to you.

Fortunately it is not in command of him all the time but let me tell you more about the forgery. You over-reached yourselves you made John ignore something which would have been his first thought, thus the fraud was exposed at once." Her jealousy blazed up, so that she forgot herself and prudence. "You mean about the child your child " The ominous gleam came into Verisschenzko's eyes.

Napoleon was over-reached by Russia, whose avarice, far from being glutted by the possession of Finland, great part of Prussian and Austrian Poland, Moldavia, and Wallachia, still craved for more, and who built her hopes of Napoleon's compliance with her demands on his value for her friendship. Belgrade was seized, Servia demanded, and the whole of Turkey in Europe openly grasped at.

"And so did I, for a time, sir," continued the mate; "but he has over-reached himself in trying to get rid of us hoist himself with his own petard if the weather will only favour us now." Mr Frewen drew a deep breath, which sounded to me as if full of relief, and the mate went on "It is not too much to expect that if at any time we make an attack now, some of the men will side with us."

But, somehow, he over-reached himself; and now he was astonished in his turn at the passion of indignation that she burst into. "Thou wilt not bide in the same house with him, say'st thou? There's no need for thy biding, as far as I can tell.

Mitchell read this: DEAR MISTER: Johnson is back and no pitch hot. Look out for yourself. He over-reached me; he knows who got Bat Wiley's money, and he can prove it. He thinks I am doing a dive for Mexico. But I'm not. I am watching him. I think he means to make a dash for the mine to-night, and I'm going to follow him till I get the direction. Of course he may go south into Mexico.

"It was all very well for the rascals to hunt everywhere, but I over-reached them." Thus saying he drew from his pocket a long knitted purse, all full of silver pieces. "Very well, Savéliitch," said I. "Give me half what you have there, and keep the rest for yourself. I am about to start for Fort Bélogorsk."