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In simple truth, the King's English lacked invective poisonous enough to do justice to his self-contempt. Deliberately had he permitted himself to be duped, circumvented, over-reached. He had held in his hand a tangible clue to that mystery which had so perplexed him and had allowed it to be filched away before he could recognise it and shape his course accordingly.

Now the red-haired fetched a mighty stroke at the alien, who leapt aside lightly and gat his sword in his left hand and dealt a great stroke on the other's head, and the red-haired staggered, for he had over-reached himself; and again the alien smote him a left-handed stroke so that he fell full length on the floor with a mighty clatter, and the sword flew out of his hand: and the folk were dumb-founded.

I was not at that time aware of the barnacle-like qualities of Gladys. As I anticipated, William also descended on us when he knew we had Gladys for a visitor. I left them alone together at every opportunity, and for a day or two all went well. As a matter of fact she over-reached herself. To this day I believe she ascribes her failure to Dr.

I say, "When he sees it," but beware lest you tell him of it; if you tell him he will not perceive it. If you claim his obedience in return for the care bestowed upon him, he will think you have over-reached him; he will see that while you profess to have cared for him without reward, you meant to saddle him with a debt and to bind him to a bargain which he never made.

That school offered her for her powers too limited a sphere; she ought to have swayed a nation: she should have been the leader of a turbulent legislative assembly. Nobody could have browbeaten her, none irritated her nerves, exhausted her patience, or over-reached her astuteness. In her own single person, she could have comprised the duties of a first minister and a superintendent of police.

'It is to the Palatine, after dinner. 'To the Palatine? I am summoned by Bessas? 'In a friendly way. Have no anxiety. Petronilla has been examined this morning, and, from what I can gather, she seems to have betrayed herself. Bessas wore the smile which means that he has over-reached somebody. 'Then we shall find her, exclaimed Basil. 'They will find her, I doubt not, was the reply.

Conscious that he had rather over-reached himself in presenting this picture of marital joys to my horizon, Captain Pharo resumed the subject with sprightliness. "In course the first preliminary essence o' all these 'ere ructions 'ith female grass is, 't ye've got to go a-co'tin'." "Yes."

What a relief to that hidden caitiff! his feet, standing on the cold, damp iron so many hours, bare of brogues, were mere ice only that they ached intolerably: he had not dared to move, to breathe, and was all over in one cramp: he did not bring the brandy-bottle with him, as he once had planned; for calculation whispered "Don't, your head will be the clearer; you must not muddle your brains;" and so his caution over-reached itself, as usual; his head was in a fog, and his brains in a whirlwind, for lack of other stimulants than fear and pain.

"I didn't understand Mrs. Wheeler just now," said Fraser. "I hope you didn't mind my calling?" "Oh, no," said the girl; "call as often as you like, but this evening I'm busy. Come to-morrow." This hospitality over-reached itself. "Have you left the Wheelers?" he enquired, suddenly. "Yes," said Poppy, simply. "What's the good of telling me to call, then?" enquired Fraser, bluntly.

He hath about 2000l. per annum; and it seems Sir G. C. hath by this means over-reached Sir H. Bennet, who did endeavour to get this gentleman for a sister of his. And Lee hath beat him; though the King and Duke of York and all men almost did bet three or four to one upon the tyler's head. 31st. To the Exchange, where I met Dr.