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Updated: August 17, 2024

How many was it I murdered in cold blood, in that there scene where I laid 'em out with black powder? Four, or five? Pink, here, claims I killed him twicet, whereas he oughta be left alive enough to jump on his horse and ride three hundred and fifty miles to fall dead in his best girl's arms.

Big Medicine looked at him as though he was going to spring upon him in deadly combat but that was only a peculiar facial trick of his. What he did do was to pour that last swallow of hot, black coffee down his throat and then laugh his big haw-haw-haw that could be heard half a mile off. "Y' oughta kep Applehead to home with the wimmin folks, Luck," he bawled unabashed.

You oughta be quarantined, old-timer; that's liable to be catching." Wally snorted his disdain of the whole proceeding. "I'd rather go to jail myself." Evadna by a circuitous route had reached the sitting-room without being seen or heard; and it was at this point in the conversation that she tiptoed out again, her hands doubled into tight little fists, and her teeth set hard together.

"I'll get a bawling out from Fiegenspann," she said, and ran to a window. "Thank God, that taxi's here. And now you'd better get to bed. Maybe hereafter you'll know better than to mix it with somebody outa your class. You oughta known in the first place that perfect ladies have got it all over girls like us, before we start.

Racey's eyes brightened at the sight. "Y' oughta known better than to sit down in all that glass. I could 'a' told you you'd get prickles in you. Why don't you stand still and let yore barkeep pick 'em out for you? You can get at most of the big pieces with yore fingers," he added to the bartender, who was gingerly emerging on all fours round the end of the bar.

You oughta stayed there. That country'll go to work and come out with a loud report some day." "You've been there?" asked Hiram eagerly. "Been everywhere." "What do you follow?" Hiram used the new expression almost unconsciously. "I'm a promoter and capitalist." "A promoter and capitalist," Hiram repeated vaguely. "Yep. At present, though, I ain't workin' at the capitalist end.

Once I was late at lunch and ate with the help's help. The woman who dished up the vegetables was in a fearful humor that day. People had been complaining about the food. “They make me sick!” she grunted. “They jus' oughta try the —— Hotel.

Billy was made gloomy, but his fighting spirit was not subdued. "Always some men killed in battle," he said. "That's to be expected. But the way of sentencin' 'em gets me. All found guilty was responsible for the killin'; or none was responsible. If all was, then they should get the same sentence. They oughta hang like Chester Johnson, or else he oughtn't to hang.

O-liver had rather queer ideas as to the sacredness of certain things. Tommy Drew, who had a desk in the same office, read Vanity Fair and wanted to talk about it. "Say, I don't like that girl, O-liver." "What girl?" "Becky." "Why not?" "Well, she's a grafter. And her husband was a poor nut." "I'm afraid he was," said O-liver. "He oughta of dragged her round by the hair of her head."

That red fiend spoiled the breakfast and cleaned out the camp. How the cowboys reviled the poor fellow who had been thrown! "Huh! Broke yore collar bone?" yelled one. "Why you dod-blasted son of a sea cook, he oughta hev broke yore neck!" And Si, the horse wrangler said: "Charlie, I reckon it's onconsiderate of you to exercise yore pet hoss on our stummicks."

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