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Good intelligent men ortn't to lose the right of suffrage for the vice and ignorance of some of their sect, and that argument is jest as strong for the other sect." But before Josiah could reply, we hearn the sound of gay music, and the Parade began to march on before us.

The dusty office which had once been his mother's sitting-room was cleared of all save his father when Tom recovered consciousness and sat up, with Caleb's arm to help. "There, now, Buddy; you ortn't to tried to get up and come down here," said the father soothingly. But Tom's blood was on fire. "Tell me!" he raved: "have they got the foundry away from you?" Caleb nodded gravely.

Or I ortn't to say despise; Joey don't despise anybody; he's all good, through and through; I don't know where he gets it. He's like Laban, and yet he ain't any kin to Laban." "It must be hard on you, Nancy. I don't know how you can bear up the way you do. It is like a living streak of fire in me." "That's because there's some hope left in you.

Each pass his face got more contemshus yet. Finally he swept the whole business back in the bag, throws it at 'em and intimates they can leave at any time. "They left. I never heard such language in my life! It ortn't be allowed in a large city.

Solomon squinted with his rifle eye as if he were taking careful aim at a small mark. "Why, ye see we passengers have been swearin' stiddy fer a week," he drawled. "We're wore out. We need a rest. You're a trained swearer. Ye do it perfect. Ye ortn't to have nothin' else to do. We want you to go for'ard an' find a comf'table place an' set down an' do all the swearin' fer the hull ship from now on.

I struggled to get at Ace until they took him away; and then I collapsed and had a miserable time of it while my anger was cooling. "I thought Ace would crowd the mourners too hard," said the captain. "Now, Jake," said he, "will you behave?" There was no need to ask me. A baby could have held me then. "Don't you know," said the captain, "that you ortn't to pound a feller with a horseshoe?

Green mould would be seen clinging to the walls, and you would see things in the water that ortn't to be throwed there. Moonlight and memory rares up its glittering walls, but reality and the searchin' life of the present tears 'em down.

Maybe praise to the face is open disgrace; but I'll take your share an' mine, too, an' tell you right here an' now 'at you're the blamedest prettiest thing 'at I ever saw. "But Lord! You ortn't be so careless! Don't you know you ain't nothin' but jest a target? Why don't you keep out o' sight a little?

Mebby she laid out that Uncle Sam should see his old features in it, and mebby she wuz a-remindin' him that he ortn't to carve woman as a statute of Truth, and then not be willin' to hear her complaints when she tries to tell him about 'em, in his own place, where he makes his laws, year in and year out.

Banjo seemed to droop with humiliation. Chuckles and derisive words were heard among Chadron's train. The little musician hung his bandaged head. "Oh, you ortn't be hard on Banjo, he means well," Mrs. Chadron pleaded. "He can stay here and scratch the pigs," Chadron returned, in his brutal way. "We've got to go now, old lady, but we'll be back before morning, and we'll bring Nola.