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"When that negro stands there a-advocatin' the slavery of another race, and a-sayin' that women ortn't to say her soul is her own, and wimmen are too weak and foolish to lift up their right hands, much less preach, I'd love to ask him where he and his race wuz twenty-five years ago, and where they would be to-day if it wuzn't for a woman usin' her right hand and her big heart and brain in his behalf, and preachin' for him all over the world and in almost every language under the sun.

"When that negro stands there a-advocatin' the slavery of another race, and a-sayin' that women ortn't to say her soul is her own, and wimmen are too weak and foolish to lift up their right hands, much less preach, I'd love to ask him where he and his race wuz twenty-five years ago, and where they would be to-day if it wuzn't for a woman usin' her right hand and her big heart and brain in his behalf, and preachin' for him all over the world and in almost every language under the sun.

She did not know how to enjoy the prosperity that had come to them. It was a neat and cleanly home, but, as of old, Deborah was doing most of the work herself. She would not have had it otherwise. "Ben thinks we ortn't to be doin' nothin' but settin' eroun' in silk dresses an' readin' books an' gabbin' with comp'ny," she said.

I come from ther' myself my name's Mix," the youth continued.. "Meanin' no disrespect to your dad," said the colonel, "Mr. Mix, Senior, ortn't to hev let you come out here you ain't strong enough you'll git fever 'n ager 'fore you've washed dirt half a day."

But in most of these tropical countries, where you'd think you could git the best, I didn't find coffee half so good as I made it myself, though mebby I ortn't to say it. We saw some wonderful jugglers here.

She quailed, and I sez, "I am one that is goin' to take good long breaths to the very last." She see I wuz like iron aginst the idee of bein' drawed in, and tapered, and she desisted. I s'pose I did look skairful. But she seemed still to cling to the idee of low necks and trains, and she sez sort a rebukingly: "You ortn't to go to Saratoga if you haint willin' to do as the rest do.

"Wall," sez Sister Gowdy she loves to put on Arvilly "wall, you have got one qualificatin', Arvilly!" "Yes, thank the Lord," sez she. And I never asked what she meant, but knew well enough that she spoke of her single state. But Arvilly has had chances, I think. I got home in time to get a good supper, though mebbe I ortn't to say it.

How my soul burnt within me thinkin' of all this as I stood in the Holy City. And there wuz the Tower of David, the Shepherd king. I always liked David, though I could advised him for his good in lots of things. He didn't do right by Ury, and he ortn't to had so many wives, if he'd scrimped himself a little in 'em, mebby his son, Solomon, wouldn't had so many, and one is enough, as I told Josiah.

Bartram," said the cobbler, resting for a moment, and straightening his weary back, "if I was in trouble, been doin' somethin' wrong, for instance, an' was hauled into court, an' had you for my lawyer, though of course I couldn't expect to have so smart a man, I'd ort to believe that you'd do everythin' that could be done an' ort to be done, ortn't I?"

An' it's for her sake that I want to make the deal! I've told her an' told her that there's no dum sense in raisin' corn on thousand-dollar land; but it's no use, so fur; an' here's the only chanst I'll ever hev, mebbe, a-slippin' by. She ortn't to live her life out on a farm, educated as she is. W'y, did you ever hear how she's been educated?"