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She goes to the Kaplan Chapel," said Dot, gravely, "and they got a new minister there. He came to call at Mrs. Pinkney's and the goat wasn't acquainted with him." "Oh-ho!" giggled Agnes. "Light on a dark subject." "Who told you, child?" asked Tess, rather doubtfully. "Holly Pease. And she said that Billy Bumps butted the new minister right through the cellar window the coal window."

Just as Jack reached the big shed some firemen battered down the door in order to turn a stream of water on the fire there. The flames lighted up the place with an intensive light, leaving no corner unilluminated. Jack, on the qui vive with interest and curiosity, looked within. "Empty, oh-ho! What do you know about that!" Hal Hastings came up just then and Jack said: "See that, Hal?

When the swift patter of feet along the deck warned him that the steward was coming, he walked back amidships and opened the little sliding trap in the roof of the pilot-house, which on the Narcissus was set just below the bridge. The quartermaster's head was directly beneath the trap. "Oh-ho, me laddybuck!" Mr. Reardon murmured, and dropped his padded monkey wrench on that defenseless head.

"Hira Singh," said I. "And your rank?" "Havildar," said I. "Oh-ho!" said he. "So you're all non-commissioned in here, are you? Seven of you, eh? Seven is a lucky number! Well " He looked us each slowly in the face, narrowing his eyes so that we could scarcely see them under the yellow lashes.

"It only means a few hours' more work, and you get double pay for it," said Frank. "Oh-ho, dat alters de circumference ob de question," said Rastus, scratching his head, when this had been explained to him. "All right, Massa Frank, yo' count on me at twelve to-night fo' sho." "Very well," said Frank. "I shall and see that you are there."

"We were just trying to catch you, Mr. Heegan." "Oh-ho! An' it's mighty flattered I am," said Mr. Heegan, his Irish brogue coming to the fore. "An' what, if I might be askin' you " "It's a book we left here," Billie broke in quickly. "Laura wants to know if you will let us in long enough to get it." "Sure, an' I will that," Mr.

Say, do you know that hose full of water's heavy? Now watch Riley. Riley's the one that's got the nozzle. Always up to some monkeyshine. Ah! See him? See him? Oh, is n't he soaking them? Oh-ho! Ho! Ho! ha! ha! hee-hee! Yip. Blame clumsy fool!... P-too! Yes, in my mouth and in my ears and down the back of my neck. All over. Running out of my sleeves. Everything I got on is just ruined.

Helen came hurrying as though to see a miracle, for Mary couldn't sing. "Oh oh!" she said, her eyes falling on the helmet. "Who sent it? Wally Cabot?" "No; Archey Forbes brought it." "Oh-ho!" said Helen again. "Now I see-ee-ee!" But if she did, she saw more than Mary.

"But they are!" she laughed. "All?" "All." "But I was expecting a letter." "Oh-ho! so you were, were you?" teased the girl merrily. Ethel could afford to be merry; she had recognized a certain bold handwriting on one of the envelopes. "I really don't see, then, but you 'll have to go to Rover. Perhaps he can tell you where it is." "Confound that dog!" growled James, turning on his heel.

She must exert her influence. Presently she forgot Mademoiselle's presence altogether. They were all walking along very quickly.... If she were going to Norderney with the English girls she must be on easy terms with them. "Ah, ha!" somebody was saying. "Oh-ho!" said Miriam in response. "Ih-hi!" came another voice. "Tre-la-la," trilled Bertha Martin gently.