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I reckon I's square wid you now fer killin' me, too; fer dat goopher on you is done fix' en sot now fer good, en all de cunj'in' in de worl' won't nebber take it off. 'Wolf you is en wolf you stays, All de rest er yo' bawn days. "Co'se Brer Dan could n' do nuffin.

They shouted at sight of the creek and the big wheel turning round and round slowly, with the water dashing and pouring and foaming over it. "What turns the wheel?" asked Vivian. "The water, honey," said Jerry. "What turns the water?" "Well now, honey," said Jerry, "you hev me thar. I don't know nuffin 'bout it. Lors-a-massy, what a boy you is fur axin dif'cult questions."

"Ah don' know nuffin' 'cept about Lijah Jones an' old Aunt Maria," said he at last. "Tell us that," said Andy and Hortense together. Uncle Jonah put a coal from the fire in the palm of his hand, and while Andy and Hortense watched breathlessly to see whether he would burn himself, he slowly lighted his corncob pipe. Then he began.

Jan and Meg, who wanted desperately to laugh, tried hard to look shocked, and Meg asked, "What on earth possessed you to do such a thing?" "Tony's head so shiny and smoove." Tony rubbed the shiny head ruefully. "Can't I do nuffin to her?" he demanded. "No," his sister answered firmly, "loo can't, 'cos I'm plitty littoo Fay." "Can't I plop some on her head?" he persisted.

"Fus' he 'lowed dat he better gib hiss'ef up an' take his lammin. But jes' den he 'membered de way Mars Marrabo looked at 'im an' w'at he said 'bout Sad'day night; an' den he 'lowed dat ef Mars Marrabo ketch 'im now, he'd wear 'im ter a frazzle an' chaw up de frazzle, so de wouldn' be nuffin' lef' un 'im at all, an' dat Mars Marrabo would make a' example an' a warnin' of 'im fer all de niggers in de naberhood.

"I tol' you, massa," repeated the negro, "dat I dunno nuffin 'bout no men;" and, thinking he had settled the matter, turned to walk away. But Frank was not yet done with him, and, seeing that he was too cunning to be "pumped," determined to try what effect the sight of his weapons would produce.

De head constable he Richmond man, and ob course knew all about de family; so he take de matter up at once and send constable wid me to seberal places where it likely dat the fellows had put up, but we couldn't find nuffin about dem.

Don' you go, an ax an ole man like me if I tinks dat ole miss went away cos you was comin' an' if it's my true b'lief dat she'll neber come back while you is h'yar. Don' ask me nuffin like dat, Mahs' Junius. Ise libed in dis place all my bawn days, an' I ain't neber done nuffin to you, Mahs' Junius, 'cept keepin' you from breakin' you neck when you was too little to know better.

He knew very well in which direction to go, for, half-way to the landing, he met Dick coming up the road with a basket of eels on his arm. "Dick, I'm going to boarding-school, at an academy." "Cad'my? Whar?" "Up in New England. They call it Grantley Academy. Where Ford and Frank are going." "Dat spiles it all," exclaimed Dick, ruefully. "Now I's got to fish wid fellers 'at don't know nuffin."

"Nuffin' oh! nuffin' but but when massa axes you who you is, an' what you bin up to, an' whar your a-gwine to, an' what wages you want, jist you answer 'im in a sorter permiscuous way, an' don't be too partikler." "Wages! man, what d' ye mean?"