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I thought how the witches used to gather their poisonous stuff at such times, and what pleasant uses they made of it, but those are sinful thoughts, Seppy, sinful thoughts! so I'll say a prayer and try to go to sleep. I feel very noddy all at once."

'No, don't go, rejoined Mrs Boffin, 'because we are coming to business, instead of having begun it, and you belong to it as much now, my dear Bella, as I do. But I want my Noddy to consult with us. Would somebody be so good as find my Noddy for me? Rokesmith departed on that errand, and presently returned accompanied by Mr Boffin at his jog-trot.

How can they ever find their own home?" wondered Eleanor, gazing at the closely growing aspen trees. "They know everything! And Noddy knows the way by this time, too, as I like to come here and spend the day. Besides there are blazes on the large trees to guide one."

This word comes from the name of Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plotter, through the effigies, or "guys," which are often burned in bonfires on November 5th. Certain Christian names have, for reasons which it is not easy to see, given us words which mean "fool" or "stupid person." The word ninny comes from Innocent. Noddy probably comes from Nicodemus or Nicholas.

"And think about him till I leap on my horse and ride to meet him? A fevered imagination will make a god of a Tom Noddy. If I see him daily with others he will seem as commonplace as all men." Mary Fawcett did not speak for some moments. Then she said: "Hark ye, Rachael. This time you shall use your own judgement, something you have taught me to respect.

"If Noddy can creep down, I'll save Choko without risk to myself," declared Polly, climbing in the saddle. "If Polly goes, I go too!" exclaimed Eleanor, turning her burro to follow Noddy. "Don't you dare! Nolla think of mother grieving for you, and me left alone in Colorado, helpless!" cried Barbara. "Now I'm going, anyway!

In the society of the fair sex I was exceedingly shy, and my feelings were sometimes painful when I had to run the gauntlet through rows of well-dressed women, some looking as demure as a noddy at the masthead. I was now in my twenty-third year, and an agreeablenay, an old lady, whose word was considered sacreddeclared I was a charming young man.

"To-morrow, if all's well. Is it your little boy who's going to show Pelle how things go? The bailiff spoke of some one who'd go out with him and show him the grazing-ground." "Yes, it's that Tom Noddy there. Here, come out so that we can see you properly, you calf! Oh, the boy's gone. Very well. Does your boy often get a thrashing?"

'Sir, I'm very much obliged to you for the caution, and I'll leave particular directions with the servant to lock up the spoons, replied Mr. Gunter. At this point the remainder of the guests interposed, and remonstrated with both parties on the impropriety of their conduct; on which Mr. Noddy begged to state that his father was quite as respectable as Mr. Gunter's father; to which Mr.

No, I must say that much, Noddy. You are always the best of men. She made the declaration as if he were objecting to it: which assuredly he was not in any way. 'And as to you, my dear Bella, said Mrs Boffin, still with that distressed expression, 'he is so much attached to you, whatever he says, that your own father has not a truer interest in you and can hardly like you better than he does.