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'Noddy, said Mrs Boffin, coming from her fashionable sofa to his side on the plain settle, and hooking her comfortable arm through his, 'Next I think and I really have been thinking early and late of the disappointed girl; her that was so cruelly disappointed, you know, both of her husband and his riches. Don't you think we might do something for her? Have her to live with us?

Noddy did a great cure for Captain Littleworth. He cured him of a disease called a wife." William Gager, who came out with Winthrop, is spoken of as "a right godly man and skilful chyrurgeon, but died of a malignant fever not very long after his arrival." Two practitioners of the ancient town of Newbury are entitled to special notice, for different reasons. The first is Dr.

'Now, men, said the little ossifer, 'you'll see that we number at least ten, and there's only six of you. Ah, here's to make us a little more ekil; and he just fired at a noddy that was flying over, and dropped him right into the stern-sheets.

The breast, belly, and underpart of the wings of this noddy were white; and the back and upper part of its wings of a faint black or smoke colour. Noddies are seen in most places between the tropics, as well in the East Indies, and on the coast of Brazil, as in the West Indies.

To keep the baby burro warm it had been wrapped in an old blanket and placed back of the kitchen stove. Thus Noddy first learned to walk in the large kitchen of the log ranch-house, and later it felt quite like a member of the family.

"I'll have to chop some of that pine! Noddy can carry me safer than I can walk on this ledge, so I want you girls to promise to keep the horses close about you and wait right here until I get back!" said Polly, taking the ax from the pack. "Polly, I'm coming too! Two axes are better than one, and I can ride my burro, too!" declared Eleanor.

Noddy came out of the aspen grove after a time and then followed a mountain-stream up-trail for half a mile or so, before turning to look at her rider. "Oh, you wise little Noddy. How did you know I wanted to stop here?" laughed Polly, patting the burro affectionately. Noddy flicked back her long ears in approval of such words and petting, but Eleanor's cry made the burro listen intently. "Polly!

I'd like mother to appreciate me," was Eleanor's unexpected reply, but Anne caught an undaunted look in the girl's eyes. The combined persuasions of Barbara and Anne had no effect on Eleanor, who, truth to tell, exulted in this daring feat and would not have missed the thrill for anything. But her burro balked at the point where Noddy began the descent.

Gunter replied that his father was to the full as respectable as Mr. Noddy's father, and that his father's son was as good a man as Mr. Noddy, any day in the week. As this announcement seemed the prelude to a recommencement of the dispute, there was another interference on the part of the company; and a vast quantity of talking and clamouring ensued, in the course of which Mr.

"Did you ever hear of the name of Boffin? And do you like it?" "Why, no," said Mr. Wegg, growing restive; "I can't say that I do." "My name's Boffin," said the old fellow, smiling. "But there's another chance for you. Do you like the name of Nicodemus? Think it over. Nick or Noddy. Noddy Boffin, that's my name." "It is not, sir," said Mr.