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It is chiefly by his omission from many lists, and his humble place when he is mentioned together with the really great gods, that we know he was mythologically a deity of no very great eminence. There is nothing to prove the early worship of Nebo. His name does not appear as an element in any royal appellation belonging to the Chaldaean series.

The Assyrian kings are fond of mentioning foreign deities, and of adding them to their pantheon. Nergal is called 'the Marduk of warfare'; Nebo, 'the Marduk of earthly possessions'; Ninib, 'the Marduk of strength'; En-lil, 'the Marduk of sovereignty'; and so on, in a long enumeration, the gods are regarded as so many forms of Marduk.

"Had Moses failed to go, had God Granted his prayer, there would have been For him no leadership to win; No pillared fire; no magic rod, No smiting of the sea; no tears Ecstatic, shed on Sinai's steep; No Nebo, with a God to keep His burial; only forty years Of desert, watching with his sheep." A Yet Deeper Meaning.

Defeated at Hormah, he dared not face another such check and, therefore, dawdled away his time in the wilderness until further dawdling became impossible. Then followed his mental collapse which is told in Deuteronomy, together with his suicide on Mount Nebo. And thus he died because he could not gratify at once his lust for power and his instinct to live an honest man.

But London was never so ill as it is now. In times past men were full of pity and compassion, but now there is no pity; for in London their brother shall die in the streets for cold, he shall lie sick at the door between stock and stock, I cannot tell what to call it, and perish there for hunger: was there ever more unmercifulness in Nebo? I think not.

'Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, the idols are upon the beasts, all packed up, as it were, and ready to be carried off. The rate of progress in dethroning them varies with the varying national conditions. It is easier to cut a tunnel through chalk than through quartz. IV. That contrast carries with it a call for Christian effort to spread the conquering Gospel.

The wife of Nebo, as already observed, was Varamit or Urmit a word which perhaps means "exalted," from the root on, "to be lifted up." No special attributes are ascribed to this goddess, who merely accompanies her husband in most of the places where he is mentioned by name. Such, then, seem to have been the chief gods worshipped by the early Chaldaeans.

And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan, And all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, unto the utmost sea, And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar.

But when Babylon and Assyria ceased to be independent powers, and became provinces of Persia, Bel bowed down and Nebo stooped, not to rise again. The world of that day had no need of them. It had already attained in more than one country to a higher religion than that of these deities. The Histories of Antiquity, viz. Maspéro, Histoire ancienne des Peuples de l'Orient.

The one means 'Jehovah is righteousness'; the other, 'Nebo, protect the crown. The idol seemed to have overcome, but the defeat of the unbelieving confessor of the true God at the hands of the idolater is really the victory of the righteousness which the name celebrated and the bearer of the name insulted.