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And, really, had any one told Pencroft and Neb that a ship of 300 tons was waiting for them in Shark Gulf or at Port Balloon, they would not even have made a gesture of surprise. In their state of mind nothing appeared improbable.

I think her handsome still; and old Neb, when in a flattering humour, is apt to speak of either of my daughters as his "handsome young missus," and of my wife as his "handsome ole missus." And why should not Lucy Hardinge continue to retain many vestiges of those charms which rendered her so lovely in youth?

When we had the scrape with the Hamburghers, in Philadelphy, it's now coming thirty years, " "Never mind all that just now, Moses. I wish you to pay my bill here; give Neb the small bag of my clothes to bring up to the gaol, and keep my other effects under your own care. Of course you will come to see me, by-and bye: but I now order you not to follow us."

Be particular to make that Hector of yours knock off from swearing: he's begun, and what's begun in sin is pretty sartain to have an indin'. Talk to him, first, and, if that won't do, rope's-end it out of him. There's great vartue in ratlin stuff, among boys. As for yourself, Neb, hold on as you have begun, and the Lord will have marcy on you, before the v'y'ge is up."

From this time his recovery, while still requiring care, and Dr Spilett was very strict, made rapid; progress. Towards the end of the month, Herbert was already walking about on Prospect Heights, and the beach. He derived, from several sea-baths, which he took in company with Pencroft and Neb, the greatest possible benefit.

This same morning, the 26th of March, at daybreak, Neb had set out on the shore in a northerly direction, and he had returned to the spot where the sea, no doubt, had closed over the unfortunate Harding. That day's breakfast was composed solely of pigeon's eggs and lithodomes. Herbert had found some salt deposited by evaporation in the hollows of the rocks, and this mineral was very welcome.

Neb and Diogenes regarded the whole thing very much as I suppose the Caesars used to look upon the arena, when the gladiators were the most blood-thirsty. The negroes would laugh, cry "golly!" or shake their heads with delight, when half-a-dozen guns went off together; receiving the reports as a sort of evidence that crashing work was going on, on board the vessels.

"What do I see down there on the beach?" All eyes turned towards the point indicated. "Why," said the reporter, "there is something. It looks like part of a wreck half buried in the sand." "Ah!" cried Pencroft, "I see what it is!" "What?" asked Neb. "Barrels, barrels, which perhaps are full," replied the sailor. "Pull to the shore, Pencroft!" said Cyrus.

Dr Spilett," answered Pencroft, "we shall walk under the shade of the trees and shan't even see the sun!" "Forward!" said the engineer. The cart was waiting on the beach before the Chimneys. The reporter made Herbert take his place in it during the first hours at least of the journey, and the lad was obliged to submit to his doctor's orders. Neb placed himself at the onagas' heads.

He peered down the road with his old eyes, but could not recognize the visitor. "Who is it?" he asked one of the black lads. "Marse Holton." "Marse Holton!" he repeated dryly. "Run along, now, honiest. Unc' Neb gwine be busy. I won't hab dat ar Marse Holton pryin' round dat mare. Hoodoo her fo' suah."