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Was, then, the cone abandoned? The hole enlarged, Dick and his companions glided into it. Hercules disappeared the last, just as the rain fell with such rage that it seemed to extinguish the lightnings. But those wind squalls were no longer to be feared. A happy chance had furnished this little troop with a solid shelter, better than a tent, better than a native's hut.

The poor wretch, though dreadfully wounded, made shift to crawl off, but his companion was carried away by these barbarians, and his fate doubtful, until a soldier, a few days afterwards, picked up his jacket and hat in a native's hut, the latter pierced through by a spear.

The West African languages are not difficult to pick up; nevertheless, there are an awful quantity of them and they are at the best most imperfect mediums of communication. No one who has been on the Coast can fail to recognise how inferior the native language is to the native's mind behind it and the prolixity and repetition he has therefore to employ to make his thoughts understood.

Do not worry any more to-night about Jennie. Leave the matter to me." Keith's heart was touched by this simple expression of thoughtfulness. "God bless you," he said, grasping the native's hand. "I am tired, very tired. But do you think you can manage it alone?"

Start in June, 1852, on the last and longest Journey from Cape Town Companions Wagon-traveling Physical Divisions of Africa The Eastern, Central, and Western Zones The Kalahari Desert Its Vegetation Increasing Value of the Interior for Colonization Our Route Dutch Boers Their Habits Sterile Appearance of the District Failure of Grass Succeeded by other Plants Vines Animals The Boers as Farmers Migration of Springbucks Wariness of Animals The Orange River Territory of the Griquas and Bechuanas The Griquas The Chief Waterboer His wise and energetic Government His Fidelity Ill-considered Measures of the Colonial Government in regard to Supplies of Gunpowder Success of the Missionaries among the Griquas and Bechuanas Manifest Improvement of the native Character Dress of the Natives A full-dress Costume A Native's Description of the Natives Articles of Commerce in the Country of the Bechuanas Their Unwillingness to learn, and Readiness to criticise.

Preachin' Bill he 'lows hit's good fer a feller t' be down in th' back onct in a while; says if hit warn't fer that we'd git to standin' so durned proud an' straight we'd go plumb over backwards." A bitter smile crossed the face of the older man. He evidently applied the native's philosophy in a way unguessed by Jed. "Very true, very true, indeed," he mused.

Then he moved, as if to throw himself on one side, and at the same instant the tiger made a dash at his naked body, such a dash as a great relentless cat makes at a gold-fish trying to slide away from its grip. The tiger struck the man a heavy blow on the right shoulder, felling him like a log, and coming down to a standing position over his prey, with one paw on the native's right arm.

They saw fortunes to be made if they could but whip a multitude of backs to bending for them, but they either could not or would not perceive the situation from the native's point of view. In America I often heard men who were out of employment, particularly in bad seasons, in big cities or in mining camps, argue the right to work.

Some of the enemy exposed themselves boldly, and rushed upon the soldiers just in front of the rear-guard. Several were shot by the sniders, but one fellow, with unusual pluck, speared a soldier whose musket had missed fire, through the chest. This poor fellow, thus mortally wounded, grappled with his assailant, and tugging the spear from his own wound, he drove it through the native's heart.

Even in these days, when local self-government has destroyed the greater part of a native's respect for a Sahib, I have been accustomed to a certain amount of civility from my inferiors, and on approaching the crowd naturally expected that there would be some recognition of my presence. As a matter of fact there was; but it was by no means what I had looked for.