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Verily, I will not give them to thee, till Shaykh Nasr, the king of the birds, shall return. Quoth she, 'If thou wilt not give me my clothes withdraw a little apart from us, that my sisters may land and dress themselves and lend me somewhat wherewithal to cover my shame. 'I hear and obey, answered he, and walked away from them into the pavilion, whereupon the three Princesses came out and the two elder, donning their dress, gave Shamsah somewhat thereof, not enough to fly withal, and she put it on and came forth of the water, and stood before him, as she were the rising full moon or a browsing gazelle.

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that "the King of the Beasts said to Janshah, 'Commit to memory what is in these tablets; and whenas the beasts come, we will ask them anent that castle. He did as the King bade him, and before long, up came the beasts, kind after kind, and saluted Shah Badri who questioned them of Takni, the Castle of Jewels, but they all replied, 'We know not this castle, nor ever heard we of it. At this Janshah wept and lamented for that he had not gone with the bird that brought him from Shaykh Nasr's castle; but Shah Badri said to him, 'Grieve not, O my son, for I have a brother, King Shimakh highs, who is older than I; he was once a prisoner to King Solomon, for that he rebelled against him; nor is there among the Jinn one elder than he and Shaykh Nasr.

The two others also with heart and soul embraced the true faith, and the whole three became servants and disciples of the Cogia. Nasr Eddin Efendi one day placed three plums upon a great table and set out in order to carry them as a present to the Bey.

The Cogia returning saw that the vest was gone; whereupon taking the pack-saddle from the back of the ass, he put it upon his own shoulders, and giving the ass a cut with his whip, he said, 'You lost my vest, so I take your saddle. One day Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi, mounting his ass, again set out; on the way, wanting to make water, he again laid his vest upon the ass, and went aside.

Persia has a standing army of 200,000, but it is said to exist largely on paper. Incidentally you have learned considerable about the history of the country, and I shall not go over it. The present shah, as he is called, is Nâsr ed-dîn, born in 1831. He ought to be a progressive monarch, for he has visited England and France several times."

Yea, soft her sides are, but in love her heart * Outhardens flint, surpasses syenite: And bows of eyebrows shower glancey shafts * Despite the distance never fail to smite. Then, ah, her beauty! all the fair it passes; * Nor any rival her who see the light. When Shaykh Nasr heard these verses, he said, 'O my son, did I not warn thee not to open that door and enter that room?

And this, O my son, is all I can do for thee, nothing more. When Janshah heard this, his heart was solaced and he abode with Shaykh Nasr yet another year, counting the days as they passed until the day of the coming of the birds.

Once as Nasr Eddin Efendi was walking in Belgrade he cried out, 'O Lord! give me a thousand altoons, but if one be wanting I will not take the rest. Now these words of the Cogia were heard by a neighbour of his, a Jew, who, in order to try the Cogia, put nine hundred and ninety-nine altoons into a purse and flung it down the Cogia's chimney.

Such was his case; but as regards Janshah, he went round about the castle, opening the various doors and viewing the apartments into which they led, till he came to the room which Shaykh Nasr had warned him not to open or enter.

The Cogia said, 'Oh what a fine country is this of Conia, in which, whilst a man eats a tart, they put in a blow as a digester for every morsel. Cogia Nasr Eddin, at the time of the Holy Ramadan, thought to himself, 'What must I do in order to hold the fast in conformity with the people?