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Updated: August 21, 2024

Nasr Eddin, that moment saddling his ass, took his staff in his hand, and mounting the animal, said to the Tartar, 'Lead the way and set off straight for the palace of Soldan Ala Eddin. On his arrival, he went into the presence of the Emperor, to whom he said, 'Salaam, and received the same salutation from the Sultan, who, pointing out a place to him, bade him sit down.

Divorce Su'ad, equip her well, and in the hottest haste * With Al-Kumayt and Ziban's son, hight Nasr, send to me." "Hurry not, Prince of Faithful Men! with best of grace thy vow * I will accomplish as 'twas vowed and with the gladdest gree. I sinned not adulterous sin when loved her I, then how * Canst charge me with advowtrous deed or any villainy?

One day Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi, as he was winding the muslin of his turban, perceived that it was not long enough; he again tried all he could to bring it to a point, but in vain. The Cogia in great distress took the muslin, and going to the public mart, put it up to auction. Whilst it was being bid for, a person came and bought it.

But as he saw them disappearing from sight, his reason well nigh fled with them, and he gave a great cry and fell down in a fainting fit and lay a-swooning all that day. While he was in this case Shaykh Nasr returned from the Parliament of the Fowls and sought for Janshah, that he might send him with them to his native land, but found him not and knew that he had entered the forbidden room.

And at the end of that time she said to Janshah, 'I wish to go with thee to thy mother land, where thou shalt marry me and we will abide there. 'To hear is to obey, answered he and took counsel with Shaykh Nasr who said to him, 'Go thou home, I commend her to thy care. Then said she, 'O Shaykh Nasr, bid him render me my feather-suit. So the Shaykh bade Janshah give it to her, and he went straightways into the pavilion and brought it out for her.

After the bones are stripped they are allowed to lie in the sun and bleach and decay until the compartment they occupy is needed for another body, when the Nasr Salars enter with gloves and tongs and cast them into the central pit, where they finally crumble into dust.

'O you foolish man, said the Cogia, 'cannot a ladder be sold anywhere? Nasr Eddin Efendi one day taking hold of some fowls one by one, tied some strips of an apron round their throats, and then let them go. The learned men having assembled round the Cogia, said, 'What was the matter with these fowls? Said the Cogia, 'They merely went into mourning for their slaughtered mothers.

After some time the Cogia again became thirsty, and finding no water, he went to the bits of the melons which he had cut up, and saying, 'This is sprinkled, and this is sprinkled, ate them all. Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi had a lamb which he had fattened to a high degree.

By Allah, I will not throw thee aught! So saying, he turned from him and set out for where lived Shaykh Nasr, the King of the Birds." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Five Hundred and Twenty-second Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that "Janshah took the way for where lived Shaykh Nasr, the King of the Birds.

The story goes, one of the stories of a hundred, that Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi one day ascending into the pulpit to preach, said, 'O believers, do ye not know what I am going to say to you? The congregation answered, 'Dear Cogia Efendi, we do not know. Then said the Cogia, 'What shall I say to you until you do know? One day the Cogia ascending again into the pulpit, said, 'O Mussulmen, do ye not know what I am going to say to you? 'We do know, they replied.

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