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"Great etarnal jeehosophat, straanger; I wouldn't a shot yer 'fur two dollars an' a half, I wouldn't, by golly, fur I'm loaded bang up ter th' muzzle with slugs fur geese. It were a narry escape fur me."

The window was snibbed, but that was done after the chap who sent your pal to Kingdom Come had got out." "Do you mean to say that the window was locked from the outside?" asked Braddock, and then, when Hervey nodded, he exclaimed "Impossible!" "Narry an impossibility, you bet. The chap who engineered the circus was all-fired smart.

Wal, an' then you set yer thumb an' knit plain, 'xcept a seam-stetch each side uv yer thumb; an' you widden tew stetches, one each side, s'pose ye know heow ter widden? an' narry? ev'ry third reound, tell yer 've got nineteen stetches acrost yer thumb; then ye knit, 'ithout widdenin', a matter uv seven or eight reounds more, you listenin', Emerline?"

"No, sir; no, sir; that's not it," Simon hastened to say. "I hain't got narry bill standing. I pay as I go. Cash takes the lot!" "None of your coarse, vulgar slang to me!" said Latitat. "Reserve it for your loose companions. If not to pay bills, what for?" "Please, sir, we, that is Mrs. Q. and myself, want to put something in the children's stockings, sir."

"Narry one of you hain't one bit o' feelin' ur pity." Mrs. Slogan shrugged her shoulders, and Peter looked up regretfully, and then with downcast eyes continued to pull silently at his pipe. "I jest did what I ort to 'a' done," said Mrs. Slogan. "She ort to know the truth, an' I tol' 'er." "You could 'a' gone about it in a more human way," sighed Mrs. Dawson.

There was considerable applause, both from the men and the women. "Well, that's one thing I wouldn't do for narry man that ever wore shoe-leather!" came from Mrs. Timmons, who seemed to think that Dolly's fixed glance in her direction called for an open opinion. Dolly smiled and nodded. "That is the right spirit, Mrs. Timmons," she said.

"She snatched the socks frum me, an' I 'lowed she wus goin' to throw 'em away, but she turned 'em upside down an' helt 'em before my eyes. 'Do you call that a M? sez she, an' shore 'nough it was as plain a W as I ever laid eyes on. "'Oh! sez I, 'now I see. Do you want me to give 'em to John Westerfelt? "But she wouldn't say narry a word.

Elhannon killed and et one of his sheep, then he paid me up and took his ram back. If I had a thousand boys I wouldn't name narry dang one of them Elhannon. I got another little case what comes up next fall in the Bell Circit Court, 'taint much. I low ter pay a good young lawyer about twenty five bucks to git me off. 'Bout a month ago I shot Caleb Spencer as dead as a kit mackrel.

"Well, as dis yer Jeff dat's de lumber-wagon driver's name as dis yer Jeff come up ter dese yer two gentlemen, one of 'em was sayin, 'I'll bet five dollahs dey ain' narry a man in his town would stay in dat ha'nted house all night. Dis yer Jeff, he up 'n sez, sezee, 'Scuse me, suh, but ef you'll 'low me ter speak, suh, I knows a man wat'll stay in dat ole ha'nted house all night."

I tuck him by the shoulder and I said: 'Have ye anny Sunday clothes? I said. 'Narry a thread, says he. 'Come along with me, I says. 'You can't visit my wife in the hotel till every thread on yer corpus is changed, for Donahue keeps a dirty place.