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Ze literature n'existe pas pour ze squeak of ze pig! Ah, bah! L'art, c'est l'imagination l'ideal c'est le veritable Dieu en l'homme!" Longford gave vent to a snigger, which was his way of laughing. "God is an abstract illusion," he said "One does not introduce a non-available quantity in the summing up of facts!" "Ah! Vous ne croyez pas en Dieu?" And Gigue ruffled up his grey hair with one hand.

Three or four days after this, Rachel found that a report was abroad at the theatre that she had dissolved her engagement with Mr. Jones. At this time the three policemen had already expressed their opinion about Mr. O'Mahony; but they, for the present, may be left in obscurity. "Est-il vrai que M. Jones n'existe plus?"

'But it is so UNNECESSARY so vulgar, cried Ursula. 'No, I don't see it. And if I did pour moi, elle n'existe pas. I don't grant her the power to be impudent to me. 'Do you think she likes you? asked Ursula. 'Well, no, I shouldn't think she did. 'Then why does she ask you to go to Breadalby and stay with her? Gudrun lifted her shoulders in a low shrug.

The only happy people, take my word for it, are those who know the kind of thing they are Explorers or Stay-at-homes, and just stick at that and shut their eyes tight to the other kind of people il n'existe pas, that other world. Those are the happy people, and, after all most people are like that.

* It is to be observed, that in these orations all the decrees passed by the Convention for the destruction of commerce and religion, are ascribed to the influence of Mr. Pitt. "La libertedes cultes existe en Turquie, elle n'existe point en France. Le peuple y est prive d'un droit donc on jouit dans les etats despotiques memes, sous les regences de Maroc et d'Algers.

The French lost one hundred and three guns, eighteen thousand prisoners, and a still greater number in killed; the loss on the side of the Prussians merely amounted to one thousand men. Macdonald returned almost totally unattended to Dresden and brought the melancholy intelligence to Napoleon, "Votre arme du Bobre n'existe plus."

England only begins to show its true proportions at a point where other lands cease to be visible. Austria, for instance, can only be examined on the spot. Once you have crossed the insignificant Mediterranean, this immense and fertile country, with its long history of rulers and battles, has already faded into air. Ca n'existe plus.

"Il n'existe a la verite aucune loi qui protege l'esclave le mauvais traitement du maitre," says Achille Murat, himself a Floridian slave- holder, in his late work on the United States. Gentlemen, is not this true? Does there exist even in Virginia any law limiting the punishment of a slave?

La beaute est parfaite, La beaute peut tout, La beaute est la seule chose qui n'existe pas a demi. Le corbeau ne vole que le jour, Le hibou ne vole que la nuit, Le cygne vole la nuit et le jour.* * Look not at the face, young girl, look at the heart. The heart of a handsome young man is often deformed. There are hearts in which love does not keep.

At the Royal Hotel a lugubrious porter says "l'hotel n'existe plus." The Victoria, which was the first hotel I ever stayed at in Russia, knew me no more. At the Metropole a preoccupied clerk said "Nima" without looking up from the news from the Silesian front which was engrossing him.