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They forgot the dance, they forgot all but their love. "An' you won't ma'y nobody else but me, Martha?" "You know I won't, Gidjon." "But I mus' wait de yeah out?" "Yes, an' den don't you think Mas' Stone'll let us have a little cabin of ouah own jest outside de quahtahs?" "Won't it be blessid?

Hace más de veinte años que la escuela libre ha abierto sus puertas a la mujer del pueblo, la educación se ha extendido entre ellas en la misma proporción que entre los hombres, muchas de las mujeres que han producido nuestras escuelas son ya ahora esposas o madres y todavía estamos preguntándonos si la mujer filipina ha llegado o no a la madurez necesaria para poder ser investida de sus privilegios políticos.

But before the words were well out of his lips, the party closed in upon him, paying no heed to Don, who in accordance with Jem's command had rushed off in retreat. A few moments later he stopped, for Jem was not with him, but struggling with all his might in the midst of the knot of men who were trying to hold him. "Mas' Don!

Don laughed, and went on with his dinner, as Jem began to play fox, by putting a tempting-looking berry in his hand, stretching it out to the full extent of his arm, and then lying back among the ferns. "Now then, don't take no notice, Mas' Don. Let you an' me keep on feeding, and that'll 'tract 'em out."

Jim then drew near to her and, glancing cautiously towards the not very distant piazza, upon which his mistress happened at the moment to be standing, he whispered, "Dey's done ketched him." "K-k-ketched who?" stammered Mammy fiercely. "Mas' Sedley, dat's who," Jim answered doggedly. "How you know? I don't b'lieve a word on it." "Anyhow, dey's done done it." "Ho' come you know so much 'bout it?"

Miss May dat's yer all's Gramma whar died las' year she use to come out to de back steps an' watch dem two babies nussen', Grief an' Mas' Charley bof at de same time in my lap; an' Mas' Will an' Jerry dat's my little boy what war jes' 'bout his age a-playing in de back-yard, an' sometime she laugh an' cry all at de same time an' she say: 'We is all one fam'ly, Delphy! she say.

"Ngati," said the owner of the name quickly, for he had been listening intently, and trying to grasp what was said. "Ngati! My pakeha." "Oh, I say: do leave off," cried Jem testily. "Pakeha again. Say, Mas' Don, him and I's going to have a row before we've done." The chief said something quickly to the Englishman, who nodded and then turned to the fugitives.

Well, you see dey ain't no doctor here an' we can't git one to come here neither. So we must take Mas' Sam to whar' dey is doctors, do you see?" "That's all very well," said Tom, "but how are we to do that?" "Now you'se hurryin' me again, Mas' Tom. Dat's just what I'se a-comin' to.

"Ah, they'd preach quite a different sarmon to that," said Jem, shaking his head. "Why, you are never going to turn tail?" "Not I, Mas' Don, when the time comes; but it don't seem to have come yet." "Why, the opportunity is splendid, man." "No, Mas' Don, I don't think so.

"Four, marm," said her inveterate antagonist, as he finished that amount, and consequently put the spoon in his cup. Mrs. Sumfit rolled in her chair. "O Lord, Mas' Gammon! Five, I say; and never a cup less so long as here you've been." "Four, marm. I don't know," said Master Gammon, with a slow nod of his head, "that ever I took five cups of tea at a stretch. Not runnin'."