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Carrie here burst out crying, and threw her arms round his neck, and in doing so, upset the glass of port he held in his hand all over his new light trousers. I said I had no doubt we should like Miss Mutlar when we saw her, but Carrie said she loved her already. I thought this rather premature, but held my tongue. Daisy Mutlar was the sole topic of conversation for the remainder of the day.

Lupin was riveted to the Financial News, as if he had been a born capitalist, and I said: "Pardon me a moment, Lupin, how is it you have not been to the Mutlars' any day this week?" Lupin answered: "I told you! I cannot stand old Mutlar." I said: "Mr. Mutlar writes to me to say pretty plainly that he cannot stand you!"

Gowing and Cummings said they would like to see it and would come too. I could not help thinking they might as well give a party at my house while they are about it. However, as Carrie sensibly said: "Do anything, dear, to make Lupin forget the Daisy Mutlar business." November 23. In the evening, Cummings came early.

Upon my word, Gowing's coolness surpasses all belief. Lupin came in before I could reply, and Gowing unfortunately inquired after Daisy Mutlar. Lupin shouted: "Mind your own business, sir!" and bounced out of the room, slamming the door. The remainder of the night was Daisy Mutlar Daisy Mutlar Daisy Mutlar. Oh dear! November 26, Sunday.

I ordered some of our cards at Black's, the stationers. I ordered twenty-five of each, which will last us for a good long time. In the evening, Lupin brought in Harry Mutlar, Miss Mutlar's brother. He was rather a gawky youth, and Lupin said he was the most popular and best amateur in the club, referring to the "Holloway Comedians."

Murray Posh evidently knew Daisy Mutlar very intimately from the way he was talking of her; and Frank said to Lupin once, laughingly: "If you don't look out, Posh will cut you out!" When they had all gone, I referred to this flippant conversation; and Lupin said, sarcastically: "A man who is jealous has no respect for himself.

He loved her the moment he saw her, and if he had to wait fifty years he would wait, and he knew she would wait for him. Lupin further said, with much warmth, that the world was a different world to him now, it was a world worth living in. He lived with an object now, and that was to make Daisy Mutlar Daisy Pooter, and he would guarantee she would not disgrace the family of the Pooters.

Birrell had slapped Sarah's face, and said she had taken nothing out of the place, as there was "never no leavings to take." I ordered Sarah back to her work, and requested Mrs. Birrell to go home. When I entered the parlour Lupin was kicking his legs in the air, and roaring with laughter. November 12, Sunday. Coming home from church Carrie and I met Lupin, Daisy Mutlar, and her brother.

My sides positively ached with laughter when I went to bed. February 12. In the evening I spoke to Lupin about his engagement with Daisy Mutlar. I asked if he had heard from her. He replied: "No; she promised that old windbag of a father of hers that she would not communicate with me. I see Frank Mutlar, of course; in fact, he said he might call again this evening."

I fear they don't get on well with Lupin. December 18. Yesterday I was in a retrospective vein to-day it is PROSPECTIVE. I see nothing but clouds, clouds, clouds. Lupin is perfectly intolerable over the Daisy Mutlar business. He won't say what is the cause of the breach. He is evidently condemning her conduct, and yet, if we venture to agree with him, says he won't hear a word against her.