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Wilbur gets sore, for since I commenced wearing those pink tights he doped out a great dramatic career for me. And naturally he was vexed. For he saw no show of being able to lay off work. "Wilbur started to chide me. I was in too gra' a nervousness state to be chid' an' I tol' him sho. Did he have compassion and pity on muh in my vis-vis-situdes? No! Abso-o-o-lutely no!

Press agents is crafty people. And he can play both ends against the middle in a manner that would make your hair curl. "I don't care! I don't care! Wilbur can run and make faces at himself. Nothing bothers muh. Waiter, are you asleep at the switch? I am no longer a fiancee. I am a free woman. "Say, what'yer going to do 'morrow?

And thereupon she suffered the pleasant mastery of his brawn, and was hugged and wrestled with until the coffee pot boiled over and she darted from him to the rescue. "I kinda always been a mite proud of 'em," he confessed, as he rolled his after-supper cigarette. "They take me back to my kid days when I amateured it to beat the band. I was some kid in them days, believe muh.

I had everything in hock but my self-respect, and I had that ready to tuck under my shawl at a moment's notice and rush off to Uncle Sim's. But never again for muh. I was up in my suite wondering if I could sign checks at Child's when the landlady shoved a letter under my door she could have shoved a dog under just as well as not.

And ten-twent-thirt trouping, and county-fair spieling, and selling Dr. Thunder Rapids' Choctaw Herbal Sensitizer. How far y' going?" "Seattle." "Honest? Say, kid, this is Muh boy, we shall have the rare privilege of pooling adventures as far as Blewett Pass, four to six days' run from here a day this side of Seattle. I'm going to my gold-mine there.

"He might carry a screen around with him and cough behind that," volunteered Helena. "That's enough about the Flopper and Pale Face what about muh? Where do I get off?" "You?" said Doc Madison calmly. "Oh, you're a moral neurasthenic." "And what's that when it's at home?" demanded Helena sharply. Doc Madison threw out his hands in a comically helpless, impotent gesture.

Although when they had first seen him, Prettyman Sweet was undoubtedly footsore, he began to strut now and pride "fairly exuded from his countenance," as Jess whispered to her chum. "Did you get any cottontails?" demanded Lance. "Oh, a few a few, muh boy," declared Pretty Sweet airily. Then they saw that he had a game bag slung over his shoulder in true sportsman style.

We first hear of Tartar raids upon China in the reign of the emperor Muh Wang, in the tenth century B.C. As time went on, the tribes combined and fell in steadily greater numbers upon the southern realm. Of these alliances of tribes the first known was named by Chinese historians the Heung Nou, or "detestable slaves."

Then I put a few things that oughta belong to me in my makeup box and beat it. "I had to kiss everybody in the company goo' bye and that made the stage wait and the manager came chasing around without any goat and tol' me never to darken his door again. That's all ri' with muh. His blooming door was dark enough anyway. Then I waltz back to where Wilbur and the gentleman are and break the news.

'I'll have a warrant out foh you dis day, Geddes, you owdacious villyum! "And she done it. Yas'm. An' dey done sont de shariff atter me for witness, all two bofe o' dem." "Well, and what did you do?" I asked, curiously. I was getting a side-light on Great-Aunt Sophronisba. "Me? I got on muh knees an' wrastled wid de speret," said Uncle Adam.