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Ike turned to go, but lingered, and finally stammered: "I hope, sir, ye don't take it that I'm askin' a charity; I make bold to believe I could be worth to ye's much's my keepin'; I'm considerable handy 'bout a good many things, an' I can do a day's mowin' yet with any man in the parish, I don't care who he is.

"He would no ways yield," said Sir Dudley. Meantime the Contra-Remonstrants of the Hague, not finding sufficient accommodation in Enoch Much's house, clamoured loudly for the use of a church.

"I ain't turnin' nothin' loose on chu'ch 'scriptions. I wants money right now fer ter git a pint er meal." 'Tain't dat." "An' I ain't heppin fer ter berry nobody. Much's I kin do ter keep de bref in my own body." "'Tain't dat, nudder." "An' I ain't puttin' my han' ter no reckommends.

"He would no ways yield," said Sir Dudley. Meantime the Contra-Remonstrants of the Hague, not finding sufficient accommodation in Enoch Much's house, clamoured loudly for the use of a church.

As I told ye, I felt a twitch at my hair, an' he said, 'What be you thinkin' about, sonny? I looked up at him, an' looked away quick. 'I dunno, I says, diggin' my big toe into the dust; an' then, I dunno how I got the spunk to, for I was shyer 'n a rat, 'Guess I was thinkin' 'bout mendin' that fence up in the ten-acre lot's much's anythin', I says. "'Ain't you goin' to the cirkis? he says.

"Well, I haven't mistook any of you for fools, neither. But I think that proverb, or whatever you call it, is as much's to say just like this, that if a man ain't a fool, 'tain't easy to part him from his money!" "How about a fool and his land?" asked John, with a genial countenance. "O you're all right," eagerly replied Gamble, and smiled inquiringly as the company roared with laughter.

Aunty Bixby, listening anxiously through her ear trumpet, nodded emphatically at this suggestion. "Yes," she said in her high, chronically irritable voice, "let's get along with it. I want to see what that horn-shaped contraption can do. Looks to me like nothin' so much's an old fashioned phonygraph." "It's far more wonderful than any phonograph," the doctor told her good-naturedly.

And with one stroke of his keen hunting-knife he cut the bonds which fastened the prisoner's arms, and Stutely leaped lightly from the cart. "Treason!" screamed the Sheriff, getting black with rage. "Catch the varlets!" So saying he spurred his horse fiercely forward, and rising in his stirrups brought down his sword with might and main at Much's head.

"Did you think you was goin' to get me out o' yer way's easy's that, 's I dare say ye have better folks than me, before now!" Ganew muttered something in a tongue the Elder did not understand, but the sound of it kindled his wrath anew. "Well, call on your Master, if that's what you're doin', 's much's you like.

I want to have a squint at the world, much's you do. Only, I'm practical about it. First place, I'm going to make the money I'm investing in good safe farmlands. Do you understand why now?" "Yes." "Will you try and see if you can't think of me as something more than just a dollar-chasing roughneck?" "Oh, my dear, I haven't been just! I AM difficile. And I won't call on the Dillons! And if Dr.