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Ah never 'lowed to like anybody's much's Miss Sydney, but Mrs. Baron's jus' splendid." With a woman's care-taking instinct, she began to gather together the dishes on the table and prepare them for washing. "No, let me," she said, in response to von Rittenheim's objection.

"Solly said he couldn't. I could have paddled better, only I didn't dare to." "You paddle!" "No, I didn't. The wind blew me so I couldn't; 'twas much's ever I kept in the wherry. I had to hold on to Lina, too; she was just as 'fraid!" Here grandma Read pressed Dotty close to her heart, as if she wished to make sure the child was really alive.

"It beats all how Mis' Kinney's brought that boy o' hern up," was said in the sewing-circle one day. "She told me herself that she's never so much's said a sharp word to him; and as for whipping she thinks it's a deadly sin." "So do I," spoke up young Mrs. Plummet, the mother of Benjy.

Mahch," he straightened, solemnly, and held himself sober "I was jess about to tell you what I jess evise Majo' Gyarnit espressin' to yo' maw jess accidental as I was earwhilin' aroun' Johanna, you know." "What was it? What did he say?" "O, it wan't much, what he say. He say, 'Sis' Mahch, you e'zac'ly right. Don't you on no accounts paht with so much's a' acre o' them lan's lessn "

"Your paw ain't got any right to keep you outa school," Marthy went on aggressively. "Debts er no debts, he'd see 't you got schoolin' if he was the right kinda man." "Daddy is the right kinda man. He ain't like Jase. He says he wishes he could, but he don't know where the money's coming from." "How much's it goin' to take?" asked Marthy heavily. "Oh, piles."

I hev plenty o' time fur thinkin' while we're scootin' 'cross the level country an' creepin' up steep grades, an' I've worked it out to my own satisfaction that somethin' else I've got to be thankful fur, is that my way in life's been marked down so plain. 'Seems if I he'd been sot onto rails pretty much's She is, an' 's long ez I do my level best on that 'ar line, why, it's all I ken do.