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Updated: August 2, 2024

He's only twa or three months arrived in the colony, and is settled somewhere in the neighbourhood o' Liverpool our Liverpool, ye ken, no the English Liverpool. He seems to be in respectable circumstances. Noo, if he comes to sleep here the nicht, as I hae nae doot he will, seein' there's nae coach for Liverpool till the morn's mornin' I'll mention you till him, and maybe ye may mak a bargain."

"I'll fess him wi' me the morn, gien ye like, my lord, for I'll be ower wi' some fine troot or ither, gien I haena the waur luck, the morn's mornin': Mistress Courthope says she'll be aye ready for ane to fry to yer lordship's brakfast. But I'm thinkin' that'll be ower ear' for ye to see him." "I'll send for him when I want him.

"He's as soon a-bleeze as a tap of tow, the lad Bucklaw," he said; "but the deil of ony master's face he shall see till he has sleepit and waken'd on't. He'll ken himsell better the morn's morning. It sets the like o' him, to be bringing a crew of drunken hunters here, when he kens there is but little preparation to sloken his ain drought."

As I don't suppose you would give me board and lodging for nothing, I mean to leave." "Toots! ye're haverin'," persisted Mrs Niven, who was wont to treat her "young men" with motherly familiarity. "Tak' time to think o't, an' ye'll be in anither mind the morn's mornin'. Nae doot ye're "

One kilted Scot passed us leading a young cow. He paid no heed to the jests and the noisy whistling of "To be a Farmer's Boy" that greeted him. "The milk 'ull be a' richt the morn's morn, ye ken," was his comfortable retort. And once a red-headed Yorkshireman broke the strain of the wait under shell-fire by calling out, "It's a good job we're winnin'!"

"And my mother kens," Janet was proceeding to say, when her mother's voice was heard, crying from the house "Come in, Janet what are ye doing oot there in the cauld? ye hae been lang enough wi' Florence the nicht but the morn's nicht ye may speak to him as lang as ye like. Sae come in, lassie."

'Wull ye say a' that over again the morn's night down at our hall in Newmilns Street? We've got a lodge meeting o' the I.W.B., and I'll make them pit ye in the programme. He kept his luminous eyes, like a sick dog's, fixed on me, and I saw that I had made one ally. I told him I had come to Glasgow to learn and not to teach, but I would miss no chance of testifying to my faith.

I will reach Curling's gate by the morn's dawn. I will put my girl into a chaise, and by noon she shall throw herself into the arms of her sister. But first, shall I not, in some way, manifest my gratitude?" My senses were bewildered, and I knew not what I did. I intended to kneel, as to my mother or my deity; but, instead of that, I clasped her in my arms, and kissed her lips fervently.

'Lord preserve us! said the female voice, 'an he had worried our cat, Mr. Pleydell would ne'er hae forgi'en me! 'Aweel, my doo, the cat's no a prin the waur. So he's no in, ye say? 'Na, Mr. Pleydell's ne'er in the house on Saturday at e'en, answered the female voice. 'And the morn's Sabbath too, said the querist. 'I dinna ken what will be done.

"The first of your questions," he said, "you will find out if you can, and the second you cannot find out if you will." And he was gone, striding past me in the deep heather. "I have some business with your uncle, of a pressing nature," he called back. "I will just take a look through Oban, the night and the morn's morn." I was utterly at sea about the big Highlander.

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