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For the inditing of the letter Buck went to night school two whole weeks before he could master enough letters and words to finish it to his satisfaction, It read: "Deer Mik WE WunT "Buck." The significant words filled the boy's heart with pride over his friend whenever he thought of it, even after some time had passed. He had faith in Buck.

And I saw my home, with the dogs before the door, and the flowers that I planted, and the lamb coming for her mik, and I heard myself singing, and I awoke. But there wass singing, oh yes, and beautiful too, for the dark church wass open, and the light wass falling over my head from the face of the Virgin Mary.

When they had filed down the street behind their leader, and rounded the corner out of sight of the house, Buck gathered them into a little knot and said solemnly: "Kids. I bet cher Mik don't be comin' out o' this no more. Didn't you take notice how he looked jes' like the angel top o' the monnemunt down to the cemtary?" The little group took on a solemnity that was deep and real.

You, too, are clean, my sweet child, I know! Now, have you any supper had?" "Why, no, not a bit!" laughing. "I had almost forgotten." "Well, I hadn't," said Morton, "I'm about starved!" "I, too!" cried Molly, and the baby put in a pathetic plea for "bed-e- mik" that was irresistible. "Ah, such fun!" cried the madame merrily, as she whisked off her wraps.

A few days later a begrimed envelope addressed in pencil was brought to the door by the postman. Michael with sinking heart opened it. It read: "MiKY ef yo be reely hym cum to KelLys karner at 10 tumoroW nite. Ef you are mIK youz thee old whissel an doante bring no une wit yer Ef yO du I wunt be thar.

Mik makes me sick mik does!" In spite of the hurried infantine accent the protest was so emphatic, and, above all, fraught with such pent-up reproach and disgust, that I turned about sympathetically.

Anything approaching to the absolute likeness of this imitation of Johnnyboy's accents it is impossible to conceive. Possibly Johnnyboy felt it. But he simply lifted his lovely lashes, and said with great distinctness: "Mik don't you devil!" After this, closely as it had knitted us together, Johnnyboy's morning presence was mysteriously withdrawn. It was later pointed out to us by Mr.

She could not speak plain, and her "bed and mik, mamma" "O, mamma, bed and mik," thrilled every heart-string of Mrs. , who had never before in her life witnessed the keen distress of a mother while her child asked in vain for bread.

I think the child had at first some faint hope of me, and when my waiter appeared with my breakfast he betrayed some interest in my selection, with a view of possible later appropriation, but, as my repast was simple, that hope died out of his infant mind. Then there was a silence, broken at last by the languid voice of the nurse: "Try some milk then nice milk." "No! No mik!

The fuel consists of huge logs of wood and heather sods, which are also used for covering the roofs of the 'Plaggewoning. Black or rye bread takes the place of white, and is generally home-made. In Brabant the women bake what is called 'Boeren mik. This is a delicious long brown loaf, and there are always a few raisins mixed with the dough to keep it from getting stale.